Welcome To:  Navcommsta Londonderry Alumni Association

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Our Mission Statement:

         This site is dedicated to locating and bringing together those U.S. Navy Sailors (Enlisted and Officers) and Civilians who served at the U.S. Naval Communication Station, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, and its predecessor Londonderry area United States Naval facilities: Naval Operating Base (NOB), NAVRADSTA (NRS), and NAVRADFAC (NRF). 

         As you browse this site, you'll find topics such as: Reunion information; Membership Registration procedures; our Guest Book where you can add your own message and also view other Alumni messages; a listing of our members; pictures of the base, base personnel, and Derry; a Base History; links to other internet sites; and much, much more.

NAVCOMMSTA Londonderry - Service Ribbon Awards

        The above service ribbons represent those eligible to NAVCOMMSTA Londonderry and its predecessor commands:

American Defense Service Medal with Base clasp - During the advance base construction phase until 7 Dec 1941.

European - African - Middle Eastern Campaign Medal  - 7 Dec 1941 - 8 Nov 1945.

World War II Victory Medal - 7 Dec 1941 - 31 Dec 1946.

National Defense Service Medal  - (Two award periods)27 June 1950 - 27 July 1954 and 1 Jan 1961 - 14 August 1974.

Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon  -       For twelve months consecutive or accumulative overseas duty after 14 Aug 1974.

Latest Site Updates

        To view new additions to the site, as well as additions for the past two months, click on: What's NEW on the web site this week.

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Contacting Web Master Dennis Kolodziej

        If you have questions or comments about the website, please contact WebMaster Dennis Kolodziej at: ford427@peoplepc.com  

P.O. Box 108
New Boston , MI 48164-0108