U.S. Navcommsta Londonderry Alumni Association
Our 757 Members....
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Reference Codes:
"*" = Membership Verified, "-" = Not on Internet, ":" = Invalid e-mail address,
"f" = On Facebook .USN(Ret) following the member's name indicates they are retired from the U.S. Navy.
USNR(Ret) following the member's name indicates they are retired from the U.S. Navy Reserve.
BOLD NAMES indicate ANNUAL DUES paying member for 2021.
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* Steven W Abele, ETN, 3/66 to 12/67, aei@netzero.net
Steven: THEN
* John 'Boot' Adam, ET, 8/73 to 6/76, akaboot@mindspring.com
John:THEN and NOW
* Jesse Adkison USN(Ret), RM, 2/63 to 6/65,
* James 'Jim' Alcorn USN(Ret), RM, 65 to 67, 69 to 70,
* Greg Allard, RM, 70 to 71, g.e.allard@hotmail.com
* Robert 'Link' Allard, RM, 64 to 67, RobeAlla9@aol.com Bob: THEN.
* Jeffrey Allen, RM, 74 to 77,
* Ed Alvis USN(Ret), CWO, 11/69 to 11/71, edalvis@aol.com
* Jay Arrowood, RM, 9/73 to 3/76, jarrowood@ec.rr.com
A. J. Ashurst USN(Ret), CAPT., 7/72 to 10/74, alashurst@aol.com
Capt. Ashurst:
and NOW.
* Robert Kyle Askew, RM, 4/70 to 11/71, kyle-askew@utc.edu
* Tony Audia, ET, 63 to 67, tonyetn1@aol.com
* Elizabeth McGee Baker, wife of the late Chris Baker, ET, 10/66 to
12/68, ccjbak@aol.com
Elizabeth and Chris: THEN and 2001
Kenneth (Ken) Baker, ETN, 1964 to 1966,
Dave 'Bart' Bartholomew USN(Ret), ET/CAPT., 8/63 to 11/63, sailorbart@aol.com Dave:
Juliette Batchelor, wife of the late Howard Robert Batchelor, BT, 3/66 to 4/69,
* John Bauer, ET, 3/67 to 2/71, bauer.j@att.net
Fred 'Beanie' Beiner, RM, 3/59 to 6/61, fbeiner@embarqmail.com Beanie:
Gerald (Jerry) L. Begin Jr., RM, 2/70 - 8/71, 2002gb@sbcglobal.net
* Craig Bennett, ET, 66 to 67, craigmlbennett@yahoo.com
* Sanford Bernstein USN(Ret), CB, 1971, suszan316@aol.com
* Frank Bertke, RM, 72 to 74, frank.bertke@gmail.com Frank: THEN
and 2000 Joe & Frank 2007.
* Thomas Beyer, RM, 73 to 77, tbyr1@live.com
* William Bitler, ET, 3/72 to 9/73, wbitler@email.com
David Bland, RM, 62 to 64,
Dave: THEN
and NOW.
* Gary L. Blasingame, RM, 5/72 to 11/74,
gblasingame1953@gmail.com Gary: THEN
and: NOW.
Gerald A. Bloch ("Jerry Bloke"), SK, 11/69 - 1/71, kg4cbj@bellsouth.net
* Robert 'Bob' Bogema, ET, 11/72 to 3/77, bbbogey@bellsouth.net
* George Bosse, RM, 8/60 to 12/62,
invalid e-mail address
* John Boyda USN(Ret), ET/CWO2, 67-70; 75-77, womf75@gmail.com John:
and NOW
* Chris Boyles USN(Ret), RM, 4/75 to 6/76, ouicb@aol.com
* Thomas (Tom) Braden,
RM, 4/70 - 12/71, tcbraden@aol.com
* Willi Braun USN(Ret), RM, 66 to 68, nywbraun@aol.com
* Bradford (Brad) Brinizer, RM, 2/67 - 6/69,
- Karl Bromann, ET, 66 to 67
Charles 'Bill' Broms USN(Ret), YN, 6/71 to 6/77,
invalid e-mail address
Bill: THEN and NOW.
Kenneth W. 'Brownie' Brown, RM, 61 to 62,
* Leonard Clint (Charlie Brown) Brown, RM, 1/62 to 7/63,
peaceclint@camtel.net Clint: THEN
and NOW.
* Barbara Brownstein, wife of the late Alvin Brownstein USN(Ret), SH, 3/68 to 3/70, bearlyal1@aol.com
* Charles 'Chuck' Brozek
USN(Ret), RM, 8/64 to 8/68, jcbrozek@comcast.net
+ Mike Burns, ET, 7/62 to 2/64,
* Don Burrill, RM, 6/76 to 6/77, scrub53@msn.com
* Larry Buss USN(Ret), RM/LT,
* Walter Butler, ET, 60 to 62, poppopatcc@gmail.com Walter: THEN and NOW
* Margaret Byford, wife of the late D.L. "Roy" Byford, RM, 66 to 68,
* Paul Byrd, CAPT., 10/74 to 8/76, jpbyrd@comcast.net
Capt. Byrd: THEN and NOW
* Mary Byron, wife of the late Lee 'Tank' Byron, RM, 6/57 to 6/61, leemar2@verizon.net
* Paul Cafasso,
ET, 3/62 to 7/64, nyshortstop@gmail.com Paul:
- Grace Callahan, wife of the late Fredrick Callahan, RM, 63 to 64
Julius 'Boe' Campbell, RM, 73 to 75, boecam@earthlink.net
* Paul Canik, RM, 6/65 to 7/67, nrthwds@comcast.net Paul:
* Daniel "Speedy" Carlin, Civilian, 69 to 74, speedydmc@hotmail.com
* Jim Carlstrom USN(Ret), RM, 67 to 70,
invalid e-mail address
Jim: NOW.
- Denis 'Tony' Cassidy, Civilian, 69 to 77
* Patrick 'Colm' Cassidy, Civilian, 65 to 71, colm.cassidy@btinternet.com
* Thomas 'Tom' Cerafice (Ret), RM, 10/58 to
Tom: NOW.
- Kathleen Chambers, wife of the late Jimmy Chambers, Civilian
Sam Chambers, Civilian, 4/56 to 9/77, Stanchambers@aol.com
* Johnny Chapman USN(Ret), RM, 5/74 to 11/75, scrw1955@yahoo.com
David E. Chase USN(Ret), RM, 12/68 to 12/70, schmooandboo1@hotmail.com
Howard Chase USN(Ret), RM, 4/66 to 5/68,
invalid e-mail address
* Richard Chase, RM, 3/70 to 3/72, exrmrc@aol.com
* Wilbur (Chris) Chretien, RM, 10/58 to 6/61,
chretienwilbur@yahoo.com Chris: THEN and NOW.
Charles R. 'Chuck' Clark, RM, 56 to 57, leedl4@aol.com
* Wade Coates, RM, 3/63 to 11/66,
wcoat41@yahoo.com Wade: THEN and NOW
Doug Coffey, RM, 67 to 69, dcoffey3@tampabay.rr.com
* Roger Cole, ET, 73 to 76, roger_cole@brushwellman.com
* Robert 'Rip' Collins USN(Ret), CWO, 12/73 to 1/76,
invalid e-mail address
James Conover, RM, 3/66 to 1/68, conoverj@childrensdayton.org
Thomas Conrad USN(Ret), PN, 10/72 to 11/74, scooby2727@yahoo.com
* Ken Conte USNR(Ret), DM, 2/69 to 6/70, kksmc@aol.com
William 'Bill' Copp, RM, 61 to 64, wcopp10486@aol.com
* Terry Cornelius, RM, 10/68 to 4/70,
Joseph 'Joe' Couch USN(Ret), YN, 7/62 to 10/64, jucouch@aol.com
and: NOW.
William 'Bill' Cowan USN(Ret), RM, 70 to 72, william_a._cowan@ntlworld.com
Ken Craddock, CYN, 10/66 to 4/68, kcrad84281@aol.com
Ken: THEN.
Lance E. Cramer USN(Ret), CYN, 67 - 70, pattyandlance@gmail.com
* Rod Craven, RM, 69 to 71, mgobluerod@gmail.com
Rod: THEN and NOW.
Edward J. 'Eddie' Cripps USN(Ret), RM(SW), 1/70 - 1/72,
Raymond Crossman, RM 57-60,
John T. Crotty, ET, 7/53 to 2/56, jvejo@bellsouth.net
* Ronald 'Ron' N. Curry USN(Ret), CE, 5/65 to 12/66,
Terry 'Cy' Cynar USN(Ret), YN, 73 to 76, terrycynar@sbcglobal.net
George 'Ski' Dajnowski, ET, 10/66 to 11/68, davedaj@verizon.net
* Terry Damron, RM, 12/74 to 10/77, terrydamron@comcast.net
David 'Dave' Dandino, EO Seabee, 8/75 to
5/77, osuman624@aol.com
Dave: NOW.
Louis 'Dimples' DaSaro, RM, 70 to 72,
* Liz Davis, wife of the late Eddie Davis, ET, 57 to 60, GKGDART@aol.com
Edward Dawson USN(Ret), PN, 1/72 to 1/75, eadawson@aol.com
* Marie Day, wife of the late Harvey Day USN(Ret), YN, 5/70 to 5/74, harmarday@comcast.net
* Walter Dean USN(Ret), ET, 5/66 to 7/68,
invalid e-mail address
Christmas 1965 - Dean's 60th Anniversary - Valentine's Day 2012 - Oct 2012:
Walt & Alene .
* William "Bill" Dean, RM, 68 to 70, zephyr_classic@yahoo.com
Deirdre Deehan (now: Deirdre Baxa), Civilian, 70 to 78,
Kathryn Delahanty (now: Kathryn Keenan), RM, 75-77, secureops@optonline.net
Kathryn: THEN
and: NOW.
Frank Delgato, ET, 2/72 to 2/73, fdelgato@comcast.net
Edward "Turk" Derderian, ETN, 1962 - 1965,
* William 'Wid' deSimas, RM, 7/71 to 9/73,
and NOW.
Raymond "Frenchie" Desrosiers USN(Ret), RM, 72 to 75, nbuv@verizon.net
- Mary B. Dey, wife of the late Richard Dey, ET, 10/69 to 5/70
* Bob Dimmitt, RM, 11/63 to 5/66, bdimmitt@earthlink.net
Bob: THEN and NOW
Betty Cooke Dixon, Civilian, 66 to 74, bettydixon40@hotmail.com
Betty: THEN and NOW.
James 'Jim' Dodrill USN(Ret), LT, 7/66 to 11/68,
Denis Doherty, Civilian, 66 - 75,
Denis (on right): 2016.
* Catherine 'Rene' Doran (now: Catherine Wallis), Civilian, 64 to
68, failte@excite.com
* James A. Dowey, ETR, 8/68 to 1/70, doweyj@hotmail.com
* James 'Jim' Downs USN(Ret), RM/CWO4, 64 to 66, jimdowns2555@comcast.net
William 'Bill' Ducey, RM, 60 to 63, ducey@cecomet.net
* Thomas Duck, RM, 7/62 to 2/64, FortyNorth16@aol.com
Tom: THEN and NOW.
John Duddy, Civilian, 59 to 71, jduddy@telusplanet.net
John: THEN and NOW.
* MaryAnn Dude, wife of the late Bob Dude USNR(Ret), LT/CDR, 6/68 to 10/69, duder@wi.rr.com
* Clayborne (Butch) Dudley, RM, 4/70 to 11/71,
- Sally Duffy, wife of the late William 'Willie' Duffy, Civilian, 69 to 77, Sally and Willie: 2000.
* Alan Duncan USN(Ret), ET, 1/71 to 7/72,
Elwood 'Harry' Dunlap USN(Ret), ET, 63-64, 66-69, mtneptune1@aol.com
Brian Dunn, EO Seabee, 75 to 77, dunn2go@aol.com
* Marie Dunne, Civilian, 71 to 77, smdunne12@hotmail.com
* Steve Dupree, RM, 9/72 to 9/74, super_d84@yahoo.com Steve:
Pat Durnin, wife of the late Frank Durnin, Civilian, 63 to 68,
Frank: 1968 and 2000
* John R. (Jack) Eamigh USN(Ret), LT, 73 - 75, jkeamigh@gmail.com
- Anglyn Edwards, wife of the late Horace C. Edwards, SH, 66 to 68
* Frank Ekstrom, ET, 60 to 64,
Bill 'Jack' Elder, CYN, 8/71 to 1/74, wdelder@yahoo.com
* John 'Jake' Ennis, RM,
69 to 71; 75-77, jjecwsp@aol.com
Alvin 'Bud' Erickson USN(Ret), CWO,
69 to 73, brcomms@telpage.net
Gerry Erman USN(Ret), SK, 70 to 74, GerryErman@aol.com
William H. (Bill) Erwin USN(Ret), RM, 63-64, 65-68,
* Daniel Esposito USN(Ret), RM, 65-68; 74-77
* Steve Fadarishan, ET, 8/76 - 9/77, srfadarishan@yahoo.com
* Edward Fahey USN(Ret), RM, 1951 to 1953, edneira@aol.com
- Robert Farrell, RM, 7/68 to
* Margaret Kennedy Farris, wife of the late Richard 'Rich' Farris, RM, 9/71-12/72, 2/74-3/77, choicenctr@aol.com
Avril Lappin Faunce , wife of the late Robert 'Bob' Faunce USN(Ret), RM, 10/61 to 4/63, RobertFaunce@bellsouth.net
Bob: THEN and Bob & Avril NOW
* Robert 'Zeke' Fazekas, RM, 6/65-1/67, zeke180@sbcglobal.net
Steven L. Felkins, RM, 10/69-10/71, SFELKINS@SWBELL.NET
* Stephen Feron, RM, 4/72 to 8/75, sullys98@yahoo.com
Flo Fischer, wife of the late Richard Fischer, aka "Fish", ETN 61 - 63, belfastblues@att.net
Dennis A. Fitting, RM, 11/71 to 6/73, dennisfitting@gmail.com
* Bob 'Doc' Flewell, HM, 10/66 to 2/67, drbobburt@yahoo.com
Jerry Floyd, RM, 1/59 to 5/60, usn56to86@yahoo.com
John 'Big John' Flynn, ET, 64 to 66,
invalid e-mail address Big John NOW.
* John T. 'Jack' Flynn, ET, 5/61 to 11/62,
* Frank Foley, ET, 1/63 to 5/65, flwf39@aol.com
* Helene Foltis, wife of the late Tony Rizzo, RM, 60 - 64,
- Joseph Fortier, ET, 9/59 to 7/62
Robert Dale Foster, CYN, 69 - 71, dfosta4@gmail.com Dale:
1970 and NOW
- G. Fred Fowler, EM, 45 to 9/46
Larry Frame, ET, 6/66 to 7/68, lframe@comcast.net
Larry:THEN. and NOW.
* Juanita Frazier, wife of the late Daniel Frazier, RM, 11/63 to 5/65,
invalid e-mail address
* Harold Fry USN(Ret), RM, 64 to 66, djrichards@comcast.net
Warren R. (Thumper) Frye, RM, 69 - 71,
invalid e-mail address
* Phillip 'Chief' Fusilier, CYN, 2/70 to 8/71,
Phil: NOW
John Gaffrey, RM, 12/66 to 9/68, jrgaffrey@hotmail.com
- Kathleen Gallagher (now: Kathleen Dunlap), LTJG, 12/62
to 6/64
Robert 'Chops' Garretson, RM, 1/74 to 10/75, rggarret@aol.com
* Dave Gaudreau, ET, 10/66 to 9/68, dagaudreau@att.net Dave:
* Daniel Gelbman, RM, 71 to 72, dhgicu@aol.com
Jack Gemelke, RM, 3/67 to 3/69, egemelke@yahoo.com
* Brian J. Gess, RM, 5/71 to 8/73,
Richard 'Gil' Gilchrest, CYN, 9/67 to 3/70, richg@martinsuranceagency.com
* Dale Gilkey, RM, 9/71 to 12/74,
guiltygolf@comcast.net Dale:
THEN and 2002 and NOW .
* Richard Glavice, RM, 11/71 to 9/76, richardjax@msn.com
* Tom Glick USN(Ret), RM, 4/62-6/64, tglick@homesnj4u.com
* Hal Glover, DK, 73 to 76,
* Albert (Al) Goguen USN(Ret), RM, 65 to 67, agoguen@tampabay.rr.com
Jim Gola, RM, 60 to 63, jimgola@hotmail.com
* Cesar Gonzalez, RM, 75 to 76, cdgonzo@att.net
* Peter Gordon, RM, 71 to 73, pete.gordon1@verizon.net
* Richard 'Rick'
Gore, RM, 75 to 77, Rickgore55@gmail.com
Gerald 'Jerry' Gorham USN(Ret), SK, 9/67 to
12/70, jandjgorham@bmi.net
* Robert 'Bob' Gradisher USN(Ret), RM, 64 to 67, bgradi@hotmail.com Bob:
* Gene Graeff
USN(Ret), RM, 58 to 62, lugen1@verizon.net
* Montie 'MG' Greene
USN(Ret), LT/RM, 7/63 to 7/66, jsgandmrg@yahoo.com
* Robert 'Bob' Green USN(Ret), LT, 60 to 63, rwgreen53@gmail.com
* Jay Greider, RM, 71 to 73, greiderj@yahoo.com
Berlyn Gross USN(Ret), PC, 1/71 - 6/72,
invalid e-mail address
Russell Guidotti, RM, 9/72 to 1/76, oleskol412@gmail.com Russ:
Harry Gustafson, ET, 12/51 to 1/54, hajo2@verizon.net
'Mike' Hager, DM, 3/70 to 7/71, mhager@hagersmith.com
* James Vernon Halman USN(Ret), RM, 10/67 - 5/69, vern.halman@comcast.net
William (Bill) Halman USN(Ret), RM, 7/72 - 6/74, bbhalman4@att.net
* Ronald 'Ron' Hancock USN(Ret), RM, 67 to 69,
* Ginger (Doherty) Hansen, wife of the late Gerald 'Jerry' Hansen USN(Ret), YN, 6/60 to 7/62, usn56to86@yahoo.com
* Cathy (Cooper) Harding, ex-wife of the late H. Lynn 'Coop' Cooper, PN, 67 to 70, harding718@aol.com
James "Jim" Harding, ET, 65 - 66, k3drj@comcast.net
* Bosco Harkin, Civilian, 63 to 72, THEN.
- Rosita Harlan, wife of the late Mike Harlan, RM, 69-71, 75-77
* William 'Bill' Harmon, LT, 64 to 65, wharmon03@mindspring.com
Michael Harp, RM, 72 to 77, mharp15@cox.net
* James 'Jim' Harris, ET, 5/65 to 9/68, jimharris@pomeroy-wa.com
William 'Bill' Harris, EM, 11/68 to 5/70, vetsailor66rwb@att.net
John Hart, ET, 62 to 64, johnjesq@hotmail.com John: NOW.
- Robert 'Bob' Hase USN(Ret), SH, 11/69 to 12/71
* Frank Hausen, RM, 62 to 64, hauslemc13@aol.com Frank: NOW.
* Douglas John Heath, ET, 10/75 to 10/77,
* Dennis Hegdahl, ET, 12/72 to 2/74, dhegdahl@outlook.com Dennis:
and NOW.
Norman 'Dick' Heinrich USN(Ret), RM, 67 to 70, dickheinrich1@yahoo.com
Les Helgeson, ET, 1/62 to 1/65, leshelgeson@hotmail.com
* Jim Henderson USN(Ret), CYN, 1/66 to 10/67, derryvon@aol.com Jim: THEN and NOW
* Raymond Hepburn, Civilian, 72 to 77, raymondhepburn@hotmail.com
* Patricia 'Betty' Hess, wife of the late Aubrie 'Al' Hess USN(Ret), LT., 6/66 to 9/68,
mammahess45@comcast.net Al Betty/Al:
THEN and 2001
* Anthony 'Tony' Hester, RM, 8/74 to 3/76,
Howard Heusdens, RM, 12/60 to 5/62,
h7187_usa@yahoo.com Howard:
Robert Heyde USN(Ret), LT., 61 to 64, rheyde@cox.net
* Christopher Hicks, RM, 11/70 to 1/72, cthicks52@hotmail.com
* Kathleen Griswold Higgins, wife of the late Robert Griswold, LT, 6/75 - 6/77, irmc@verizon.net
Ann (Sidebottom) Hill, wife of the late Charles Hill, HM, 60 to 62, irishann1e@aol.com
David L. Hill USN(Ret), RM, 73 to 74,
seniorchief123@yahoo.com Dave: THEN and NOW
* Ricky L. Hobbs USN(Ret), RM1, 66 to 69, pgk3674@sbcglobal.net
* Ronald 'Hawkeye' Hoch, RM, 71 to 72,
Byron Hodgkins, RM, 2/60 to 6/62, byronh61@comcast.net
THEN and
* Jim Hoffman
USN(Ret), RM, 4/73 to 7/76, jimhoff@hotmail.com
* Donald Lee Holland
USN(Ret), LT/CAPT SC, 5/69 to 8/71,
* Trudy Scott Horridge, RM, 75 to 76,
atrubear@hotmail.com Trudy: THEN
and: NOW.
- Ernest 'Ernie' Houston, RM, 1/68-1/70;
4/71-4/74 Ernie: THEN
* Stan Hribar USN(Ret), RM, 63-64, 65-68, 71-72, sdhribar@yahoo.com
Stan: NOW.
- Ruth Huddleson, wife of the late Preston 'Hud' Huddleson, Rd M, 12/42 to 11/43
* Mary McCready Hudgins, wife of the late Charlie Hudgins, RM, 60 to 63, the4simpsons@gmail.com THEN
and: 1999.
* Tom Hughes, RM, 70 to 71, tthughes@bevcomm.net
Mary Hutcheon (now: Mary Cowan), Civilian, 69 to 71, william_a._cowan@ntlworld.com
* Kevin Hutcheson, Civilian, 71 to 77, kmacuistin@yahoo.com
* Donald B.(Don) Hutchins USN(Ret), LT/CAPT CEC, 7/76 to 9/77,
* Roger 'Spaceman' Iles USN(Ret), ET, 5/71 to 4/75,
rogerdeaniles@gmail.com Roger: 2010
Don Jackson, Civilian, 74 to 77,
Nelson (Jack) Jackson, RM, 65 to 67,
* David Peters Jansson USN(Ret), ET, 9/68 to 8/70, sirdavej@yahoo.com
* Albert Johnson, SK, 1/71 to 2/73, birdman@wf.net Albert:
Dale Johnson USN(Ret), RM, 4/71-4/73, dj41@windstream.net
Thomas 'Tom' Johnson, LT., 12/74 to 10/77, tomloisj@yahoo.com
* Warren (Lynn) Johnson, RM, 1/70-8/71, Wljohnson2@yahoo.com
* Mike Johnston USN(Ret), RM, 8/67 to 1/69,
Robert D. Jones III USN(Ret), 1/72 to 1/74, nzbob899@netscape.net
* Robert Kent Jones (Jonesie or Kent) USN(Ret), ET, 76 to 77, kent.jones@frontier.com
* Annette Joslyn, wife of the late Len Joslyn USN(Ret), RM, 66-67; 69-71; 76-77, len110345@aol.com
Len: THEN.
Bill Joyner USN(Ret), RM, 72 to 74, ffg1067@aol.com
Leonard 'Kaf' Kafer, RM, 58 to 61,
kaferleonard@yahoo.com Len:
* Kim J. Kaminski, ET, 1/72 to 12/73,
* Deb Katuc (now: Deb Burrill), RM, 2/76 to 6/77, scrub53@msn.com
* Donald Kear, RM, 11/61 to 4/63, keardk@aol.com
Jerry Keenan, RM, 66-67; 69-70; 75-76,
Jerry: THEN
and: NOW.
Ray Kelley USN(Ret), RM, Aug 74 to Sept 77, raylkelley@yahoo.com
Carmen Kelley, wife of the late Ronnie 'Ron' Kelley USN(Ret), RM, 12/70 to 9/72,
invalid e-mail address
Ann Kelly, Civilian, 12/73 to 5/77, aoibhinnbkelly@hotmail.com
* James Kelly, Civilian, 66 to 73, jjkell48y@hotmail.co.uk
Mike Kelly, RM, 1/64 to 7/65, mrkelly43@comcast.net
Mike: THEN and NOW.
Bruce Lynn Kelsey, RM2, 11/63 to
7/66, kkelpat1@comcast.net
Gladys Ming Kendrix,
wife of the late Frank Kendrix, ET, 1958 to 1961, chakubla@yahoo.com
Joyce McGowan Kent, wife of the late William Kent USN(Ret), RM, 58-61, 64-67,
* Edward Kenyon USN(Ret), RM, 1968 - 1970, kencom132@msn.com
David Kier USN(Ret), IC, 71 to 74,
Wolf T. Kiessling USN(Ret), RM, 63 to 65,
invalid e-mail address
Dale Kindred, YN, 8/68 to 2/70, dkin5@aol.com
* James F. King USN(Ret), MA, 11/74 to 6/76, jfkusn@aol.com
* John 'Jack' King USN(Ret), RM, 11/44 to 1/46, johnbking@optonline.net
Charles Kinloch, ET, 5/70 to 11/72, ckinlo@aol.com
* Sherman Kinsey USN(Ret), RM, 5/75 to 6/77, shermjaxfla@yahoo.com
Pearl (Orr) Klingebiel, wife of the late
Alfred 'Dutch' Klingebiel, ET, 50 to 52, derrygirl@embarqmail.com
* Chauncey Klingensmith, RM, 1/67 to 12/69, chaunceyk4@cox.net
Rod Knapp USN (Ret), ET, 9/69 to 4/71, oldnavyrysg@comcast.net
* Edward 'Ed' Knoll, RM, 4/56 to 4/58,
Dennis Kolodziej, ET, 11/74 to 5/77, ford427@peoplepc.com
and NOW.
* Maire (Bradley) Kopiak, wife of the late Andrew 'AJ' Kopiak, RM, 72 to 76, kopiakaj@state.gov
- Ed 'Ski' Kostowski, UT, 70 to 71
John Kramer USN(Ret), RM(SW), 71 - 74, ucjkramer@aol.com
* Stephen A. 'Steve' Kreps USN(Ret), RM, 9/70 to 6/71, sakreps@yahoo.com
* Norene Kring, wife of the late Donald 'DJ' Kring USN(Ret), RM, 6/60 to 7/63, invalid e-mail address
* Joseph 'Ski' Krzewinski USN(Ret), ET, 70 to 72,
Gerald 'Gerry' Kumnick, RM, 71 to 72, gak853@hotmail.com
- Clements 'Clem' Kunda, RM, 2/67-5/70, 4/75 to 12/76
Eileen McCay Kyle, wife of the late John Kyle, RM, 61 to 65,
invalid e-mail address
* Ronald F. LaMarche, RM, 8/61 to 9/64, invalid e-mail address
Deirdre 'Deb' (Devine) Land, wife of the late Keven Land, RM, 7/57 to 9/60,
* Douglas 'Dug' Land, RM, 7/66
to 10/68, douglas.land525@btinternet.com Dug (and
wife Evelyn) NOW
Michael 'Mike' Landi, RM, 3/74 to 9/75, mlandi@sbcglobal.net
* Michael Larsen USN(Ret), RM, 11/69 to 71,
Robert Brice Langley, RM, 4/70 to 11/71, rbl@tmsco.com
Richard 'Dick' Lathbury, RM, 4/69 to 10/70, rl19709@verizon.net
Clarence "Ed" Leab USN(Ret), RM, 8/60 to 4/62, mistyglen@wildblue.net
David Leibow, RM, 62-63, bb_flanders@comcast.net
Paul Leonard, RM, 11/59 to 6/62, pppewee@ptd.net
* Daniel H. Leonardson USN(Ret), ETN, 10/66 to 10/68, danleonardson@gmail.com
* Virginia M. Leuci, wife of the late Xavier James Leuci, RM, 4/66 to 10/68,
their son Jim's e-mail:
invalid e-mail address
* William Liebman, ET, 68 to 70,
* William 'Bill' Lile, RM, 5/70 to 12/71, blile@bbprintnet.com
Josephine Lisicki, wife of the late Walter 'Ski' Lisicki, RM, 66 to 70, wlisicki@aol.com
* Basil 'Bob' Littin, ET, 8/67 to 5/69, blittin@comcast.net
* Louis 'Lou' Loria, CWO/LTJG, 1/71 to 7/73, louloria@aol.com
* Walt Loveless USNR(Ret), ET, 9/71 to 11/75, walt8barb2@aol.com
* Julia (McGonagle) Lunsford, wife of the late H.G. 'Greg' Lunsford USN(Ret), RM, 5/48 to 12/49, slvrhand@aol.com
* David 'Drifty' Lynch USN(Ret), RM, 5/70 to 11/71,
* JoAnne Lynch, wife of the late William Lynch USN(Ret), Capt., 4/70 to 8/72, lynchpen@sbcglobal.net
* James Duncan 'Jim' Macdonald, PN, 1/69 to 1/70,
'Dave' Mackey, RM, 1/68 to 3/70, dmack65@yahoo.com
* Jeff David Maddox, ET, 11/71 to 6/72, mistersilver134@gmail.com
John C. 'Jack' Madison USN(Ret), ET, 1/60 to 5/62, johncmad8@comcast.net
* Mike Magner, ET, 4/62 to 10/63, yatittle@hotmail.com
* Michael J. Maguire, ET, 4/67 to 12/68, newburghdt@aol.com
* Joseph P. (Joe) Maher
USN(Ret), ET, 2/63 to 8/65, nycjoe138@aol.com
* Jim Mahoney USN(Ret), RM, 8/70 to 12/73,
* Sarah K. (Sandra) Malcor
, Civilian, 5/69 to 5/74, tandsmalcor.vabch@juno.com
John 'Jack' Malone, RM, 4/76 to 4/77, jackmalone@snet.net
Jack: THEN and NOW
* Donald 'Red' Mann, ET, 8/74 to 4/77, RedMann1@cox.net
* Rich Manney, ET, 66 to 68, rfxm@comcast.net
* Richard Marchesani, YN, 64 to 66, invalid e-mail address
* William Marcotte USN(Ret), RM, 63 to 64, navybluem@comcast.net
* Bob Martin,
CYN/YN, 5/71 to 11/72, porger@verizon.net Bob: NOW
- Gloria Martin, wife of the late Richard E. Martin, CM, 1941
- Robert D. Martin, RM, 3/76 to 4/77
* Thomas Michael Martin, RM, 62 to 63, martintm1944@att.net
* Wayne H. Martin USN(Ret), RM, 74 to 77, wmarti01@yahoo.com
James 'Jim' Mason, RM, 10/72 to 3/75, jmason54@cox.net
and NOW
* William R. (Bill) Mascari, SK, 11/71 to 2/73, billmascari@ymail.com
* Donald 'Max' Maxwell, RM, 11/70 to
11/73, invalid e-mail address
* Thomas Mayfield, HM(AC), 11/68 to 10/70, toochelleanb@yahoo.com
John Mc Aleer, RM, 8/71 to 5/73, sphila1@aol.com
- James 'Jim'
McBride, Civilian, 7/69 to 9/77
- Jean McBride, Civilian, 6/74 to 7/77
* Randy Wayne 'Montana' McCarty USN(Ret), ET, 12/75 to 7/77, randy_wendymc@yahoo.com
- Dennis McCaulley, SM, 66 to 68
* Raymond 'Ray' McCollum USN(Ret), RM, 70-73; 76-77, teacherrm@aol.com
* Earle 'Lee' McConaha USN(Ret), RM, 62 to 65, lmbeekeeper2@gmail.com Lee:
THEN and NOW .
Frank McConway, Civilian, 69 to 70's, Frank: in
- Bill Mc Cool, Civilian, 42 to 45
Ken McCullar, RM, 8/69 to 8/71,
Denis McDaid, Civilian, 65 to 77, denis-mcdaid@btinternet.com
Mary Jo (Harkin) McEvoy, wife of the late John McEvoy, RM, 11/59-4/63; 72-74, Johnfmcevoy@aol.com
William 'Curt' McGee, YN, 67 to 68, Curt:
- Mary McGowan, wife of the late John McGowan, Civilian, 61 to 77
* John 'Jack' McGrail, RM, 9/72 to 1/76,
Jack: THEN and NOW .
Alan McGregor, Civilian, 73 to 76, Heidi2@supanet.com
Tom 'Red' McHaffie, RM, 5/56 to 9/58, glendermott@juno.com
* Elaine McIntyre,
Civilian, 66 to 77, elainemcintyre@hotmail.co.uk
* Andrew 'Andy' McKaye, PhM/HM1, 5/42 to 8/44,
James 'Jim' McKee, RM, 66 to 68, jimmckee1@charter.net
* Jimmy McKelvey, RM, 72 to 74, hazardontheroad12@gmail.com
* Ronald (Eggman) McKenzie USN(Ret), RM, 1/70 to 7/71, rondi16@hotmail.com
* Thomas J. McKeown Jr. USN(Ret), CAPT., 8/76 to 9/77, tjmckeown@att.net
- G.R. "Mike" McKinley, MM, 1942
James Richard McLendon USN(Ret), SM, 5/68 to 5/70, jrmcl@comcast.net
* Denny 'Bear' McMahon, CYN, 9/66 to 4/68, denny_mcmahon@yahoo.com
Denny: THEN and 2008.
* Robert McManis, CDR, 3/75 to 4/77, bmcmanis@comcast.net
* Francis J. (Frank) McNeill USN(Ret), RM, 7/71 to 7/74,
francismcneill@zoominternet.net Frank:
THEN and 2008.
* Jo (Kane-McNiff) Crossen, wife of the late George McNiff, SKC, 64 to
67, josephine.crossen@sky.com
Jeff Mead, ET, 1/72 to 4/74, kingr312@aol.com
Robert 'Bob' Meissner
USN(Ret), YN, 1/75 to 7/77, bobkat24522@gmail.com
* Peggy Mercer, wife of the late Edward Mercer USN(Ret), RM, 70 to 72,
invalid e-mail address
* Sarah McCloskey Michiels, wife of
the late Lester Michiels, ET, 51 to 53, invalid e-mail address
* Anthony Miller, RM, 9/72 to 2/75, invalid e-mail address
* Gregory Miller, RM, 1/72 to 3/75, 33ovi@citynet.net Greg:
and NOW.
* Moira Sharkey Miller, wife of the late Mike Miller USN(Ret),
RM, 56-59 and 73-77, millermoira21@gmail.com
* Rod Miller, PN, 1970 - 1972, rpmtvc15@flash.net Rod:
1971 and NOW
Sadie Doherty Mills, wife of the late John L. Mills, RM, 62 to 64,
* T. Ward Mills, ETR, 11/71 to 12/74,
Michael Moore, RM, 8/62 to 5/65, strikingmikey@gmail.com
Mike: THEN
and NOW
Stephen 'Steve' Moore,
RM, 63 to 65; 73 to 76, steve_moore1@msn.com Steve
Gerard Moran, Civilian, 71 to 77, gerard.moran3@ntlworld.com
John 'Jack' Morgan USN(Ret), YN, 63 to 66, jackjomorgan@netzero.net Jack
Edward J. 'MURPH' Murphy, RM, 7/67 to 2/70,
THEN and 2008
and (on left) 2016.
* Ken Mushitz, SK, 11/66 to 8/68, anniev_mushitz@yahoo.com
Connie Musser, wife of the late Mike Musser, RM, 66 to 68, connie198@centurytel.net
- Charles Nenninger, CYN, 65 to 67
Ted Nevels, RM, 11/74 to 6/77,
Ted: THEN and
Patricia Newcity, wife of the late Richard Newcity USN(Ret), ET, 4/70 to 7/74,
invalid e-mail address
Richard 'Dick' Newell, ET, 61 to 63,
invalid e-mail address
Edward 'Nick' Nicholson USN(Ret), ET, 70 to 71, edwardnn@aol.com
Julie El Fassy Niess, wife of the late Martin Niess USN(Ret), ET, 63 to 66, mniess@bellsouth.net
Gary F. Nigro, RM, 2/68 - 9/69, garmel2013@aol.com
Ann Nitschke, wife of the late Karl Nitschke USN(Ret), ET/WO/LT, 58-61;61-66;72-75, nstderry@bellsouth.net
James 'Jim' Nugent, YN, 61 to 64,
invalid e-mail address
John "Sean" O'Connor, RM, 1/68 to 2/70, seannyo48@gmail.com Sean:
and NOW.
* Harry Odom USN(Ret), UT, 6/62 to 6/65,
invalid e-mail address
* Terry O'Haver, ET, 2/62-5/64, 10/64-5/65,
Jim "JO" Ojerholm USN(Ret), RM, 1972 to 1975,
invalid e-mail address
Jim: 1983 and 2009.
Richard J. Olson USN(Ret), RM, 10/74 to 9/76,
yanks1978@gmail.com Rich and family: THEN and NOW.
* Daniel J. (Dan,DJ) O'Neill, RM, 1/72 to 5/73,
djandcindy@yahoo.com DJ: NOW.
* John R Osburn, ET, 1968 to 1970,
Walter 'Wally' Osteen, RM, 7/71 to
12/72, swellrider66@hotmail.com
* Walter C Osterberg Jr USN(Ret), RM, Jun 70 to Oct 71,
Veronica Owens, wife of the late Jim Owens, RM, 7/62 to 1/64 Jim and Veronica:
Thomas Pacileo USN(Ret), RM, 60 to 61, tojopac@comcast.net
Tom: NOW.
Max L. Padgett, CYN/YN, 12/69 - 5/71,
Lester 'Pooch' Palangi, ET, 9/62 to 9/64,
invalid e-mail address
* Charles 'Chuck' Pattinson USN(Ret), RM, 64 to 66, invalid e-mail address
John H. Pearson, SK, 6/55 to 9/57, jepearson1@verizon.net
Suzanne McIntyre (Pearson), ex-wife of the
late Robert Bruce Pearson, ET, 59 to 62,
John Perry, RM, 59 to 63, bel1per2@comcast.net
* Marilyn Peterson, wife of the late Douglas I. Peterson, CE, 1/71 to 2/74,
* Morris 'Joe/Pete' Peterson, ET, 1/74 to 1/76, jopetek145@aol.com'Pete':
and 2006.
* Patrick Kevin Petit, RM, 3/74 to 12/75,
Leonard Pfau
USN(Ret), ET, 6/74 to 12/75, lnafau@cox.net Lenny:
* Steven Pfettscher, RM, 72 - 73,
James 'Jim' Pfister, RM,
10/67 to 6/69, JimPfi5878@sc.rr.com Jim:
* Ernie 'PeeWee' Phelps USN(Ret), RM, 5/72 to
8/75, ephelps45243@yahoo.com
* Ronnie 'Ron' Phifer USN(Ret), CWO2, 4/76 to 7/77,
* Kenneth Piell USN(Ret), ET, 73 to 75,
* Terry Jon Pike, RM, 2/67 to 8/68, tj61853@live.com
Robert J. Pollack, CYN, 3/68 to 3/70, mgkmkr@aol.com
* Mike Ponder, RM, 9/75 to 8/77, mpthermc@att.net
* Robert 'Bob' Popchak, RM, 68-70; 71-74, joueurlargent@aol.com
* Monica Porter, wife of the late Thomas Porter, PN/NC, 10/61 to 12/64, SRose@vbgov.com
* Clytis C. Primeau, RM, 10/65 to 6/67, cprimeau71@hotmail.com Clytis:
* Dick Pruden USN(Ret), RM, 71 to 77,
invalid e-mail address
* Gerald 'Jerry' Pudelko USN(Ret), ET, 61 to 63, jpudelko@blackfoot.net
Mike Quinn
USN(Ret), ET, 71 to 74, invalid e-mail address
Dwight Ramey, RM, 4/62 to 10/63, Ramey2@comcast.net
Dwight: NOW
George Ramsden, RM, 57 to 60, daughter's (Kelly) e-mail rik613kel@comcast.net
George:THEN and NOW.
Kenneth Ramsey, RM, 3/74 to 7/77, retnavyguy@gmail.com
Drew Ranier, LTJG, 11/69 - 8/72, 2ran@bellsouth.net
* John L. Rannells, RM, 1/62 to 6/64,
and NOW.
John L. Rector, RM, 8/72 to 4/75, johnrector1@aol.com
* Robert 'Bob' Redmond USN(Ret), RM, 63 to 66, BobbyRed@bellsouth.net Bob:
and NOW.
* Robert J. 'Bob' Redmond, DK, 2/71 to 11/72, rjrmlr001@aol.com
* Charley 'Paco' Reed, RM, 5/70 to 12/71, vagabond118@gmail.com
John Reigle, RM, 6/74 to 6/77,
jdrslu@aol.com John:
* Gregg Richter, RM, 74 - 76, Grichter@goeaston.net
Mark Roach USNR(Ret), ETN/LCDR, 8/76 - 4/77, roachme@juno.com
Gerald "Rob" Roberts, RM, 68 to 69, gnroberts@comcast.net
- Martha Roberts, wife of the late Walter Roberts, RM, 4/50 to 11/53
Francis H. Robillard Jr (Frank) USN(Ret), RM, 8/64 to
invalid e-mail address
Frank & Rose leaving St. Mary's Church - Creggan: 11 Jul 1966.
Ronald 'Ron' Rogillio, LT, 11/69 to
7/71, Ron@Rogillio.net
Frank Rose USN (Ret), RM(SS), 1/70 - 10/71, franklrose@att.net
David Rossi, RM, 7/72 to 2/74,
David Rotolo, ET, 4/68 to 10/69,
Wayne 'Stretch' Rousseau, RM, 7/71 to 10/74, stretch@nbtx.com
and NOW.
* Earl Russell, ET, 5/50 to 6/52, earruss@southshore.com
* Richard 'Russ' Russell USNR(Ret), RM, 59 to 61,
Bill Ryland, TE, 61 to 63, billjoanryland@yahoo.com Bill:
* John Sadler USN(Ret), RM, 2/71 to 12/72,
sadlerjr@cox.net John and wife Patricia: THEN
and NOW.
* Dennis Salzer, ET, 69 to 73, dennissalzer@att.net
Dennis: THEN and NOW
* Michael Sansone USN(Ret), RM, 8/65 to 8/68, mpsansone@comcast.net
* Susan Maria Santini, wife of the late Charles (Chuck) Santini, RM, 1975 to 1977,
Arthur 'Art' Saraphis USN(Ret), SK, 61 to 62,
* Rob Saunders, RM, 73 to 76,
saunders.wr@gmail.com Rob:THEN
Michael Scarantino, ET, 7/68 to 2/70,
* Gordon 'Sage' Scherbarth USN(Ret), RM, 8/70 to 9/74, invalid e-mail address
* Ronald Lee Schwab USN(Ret), RM, 12/68 to 2/71, schwabron6@gmail.com
* Charles Scott USN(Ret), PN, 1/77 to 9/77, bubba42101@hotmail.com
William "Bill" Scudder USN(Ret), RM, 12/65 to 12/69, wscudder@rocketmail.com
Bill: 1965 and 2011.
Kyme R. Scuffham, RM, 2/66 to 8/68, kascuffham@yahoo.com
* Ronald 'Ron' Seefeld, ET, 71 to 75, rseefeld@new.rr.com Ron:
and NOW.
Malon 'Butch' Self, RM, 64 to 67, goodjob1@roadrunner.com
Paul Shaner USN(Ret), EO, 75 - 77,
* Margaret Shea, wife of the late Richard 'Dick' Shea, RM, 11/69 to 2/72, rshea@minot.com
* Dale H. Sheeks USN(Ret), RM, 9/74 to 7/77,
* Robert 'Doc' Shelby USN(Ret), HM, 68 to 70, dndshel@comcast.net
Scott Shrode, ET, 73 to 75, s.shrode@yahoo.com Scott:
* Donald E. 'Don' Sievers, ET, 11/69 to 6/73, sievers@email.com
* Harry Simmons, ET, 69 to 71, ile@ile-textiles.com
- Marvin 'Si' Simon, RM, 9/47 to 11/49
* Larry Sink, ET, 66 to 68,
Alan Smith, RM, 3/67 to 9/68, asmithcars@aol.com
* Beth (Watson) Smith, Civilian-PWO Rossdowney, 1965 - 1970, bethsmithderry@hotmail.co.uk
Eva (Barnhill) Smith, wife of the late G.F. 'Frank' Smith USN(Ret), RM, 5/58 to 8/61,
invalid e-mail address
* JD Smith, RM, 5/75 to 1/77, oldgreywhistle@yahoo.com
Joseph 'Smitty' Smith USN(Ret), RM, 1/72 to 8/76, invalid e-mail address
Smitty: THEN
* Mary Ann (Elliott) Smith, wife of the late Wesley Smith, ET, 2/72 to 2/76, snoopy22@bellsouth.net
* Harriet Smoak, wife of the late Luther F. (Buddy) Smoak, ET, 58 to 61, trentondorothy@bellsouth.net
Bob Smyth, Civilian, 68 to 77, robert.ras.smyth@talk21.com
* Edward Sobotka USN(Ret), RM, 7/73 to 1/75, Ejsretusn@neo.rr.com
* Ron "DK" Sohns, DK, 12/63 to 5/65
Larry Sorensen, ET, 64 to 68, lsorensen65608@yahoo.com
* Martha Dympna (Doherty) Spaits, wife of the late George Spaits USN(Ret), RM, 59 to 62, geo.spaits@gmail.com
Roy Spencer USN(Ret), RM, 1/64-3/67; 3/69-3/73, sionmills@aol.com
THEN; Roy'73:
Ray Spencer Sponseller, RM, 10/75 - 4/77,
Richard 'Rick' Stacy USN(Ret), ET, 7/65 to
3/67, rickandeilish@gmail.com
* Donald Staggs, ET, 11/56 to 5/57,
Dave Stang, Lt., 7/75 to 9/77,
invalid e-mail address
* Rick Stanley USNR(Ret), RM, 9/71 to 1/73, rickstanley525@gmail.com
Jim Stanton, CYN, 5/70 - 11/71,
Janet 'Jan' Steadman (now: Janet Dixon), RM, 76 to 77,
J. Robert 'Ski' Stephanski, PC, 12/63 to 5/66, shorton565@aol.com Bob:
David Sterner, SK, 75 to 77, David.W.Sterner@ngc.com
Thomas Stevens, RM, 68 to 70, stevensth@comcast.net
Joe R. Stroud USN(Ret), CWO, 71 to 74,
Jim 'Sully' Sullivan, RM, 1/64 to 7/65, Sully1944@gmail.com
Sully:THEN and NOW.
* Peggy Swain, wife of the late C.H. 'Bob' Swain, PN, 69 to 71, bob.swain@cox.net
Phil Sweeney, RM, 5/71 to 8/74, sweeneypg@aol.com
* Joanann Jackson-Swift, wife of the late Art Swift, RM, 74 to 76, TexasRayn@yahoo.com
Robert 'Bob' Tait, RM, 8/70 to 11/73, bt1900@aol.com Bob:
* Dean Taylor USN(Ret), ET/CWO, 58 to 60, 71 to 73, deanvabch@msn.com
* Donald 'Don' Taylor USN(Ret), CS, 5/73 to 9/74, dtaylor175@tampabay.rr.com
* Elmer E. 'Doc' Taylor USN(Ret), HM(CAC/AC), 2/67 - 8/68, invalid e-mail address
Clarence 'Joe' Thigpen, RM, 63 to 66, cthigpen@embarqmail.com Joe:
* Steve Thomas, ET, 1/66 to 5/67, slthomas41@gmail.com
* Dave Tocchini, DT, 74 to 76, mannutd@epbfi.com
John Toland, Civilian, 5/61 to 5/77, aoibhinnbkelly@hotmail.com
Lee Trani, ET, 5/73 to 9/77, LeeTrani@aol.com
* Michael 'Mike' Trujillo, RM, 67 to 69, m19thhole@verizon.net
* Ralph Tucker, RM, 71-73, Ralph.Tucker@cox.net
Ken Tuffin USN(Ret), RM, 9/69 to 9/71, etkL@frontiernet.net
Carl 'Cat' Tugend, RM, 8/57 to 8/59, tugie4@aol.com
- Fredie Vansickle USNR(Ret), SK, 2/43 to
- Joseph 'Joe' Visco USN(Ret), RM, 12/63-6/65; 3/67-4/69, Joe:
* Phillip Wade
USN(Ret), RM, 9/59 to 3/62, pmw357@bellsouth.net
Phil: THEN and NOW
Joseph 'Joe' Wafford, RM, 3/74 to 7/76, joe.waff@hotmail.com
John L. "Larry" Wagner, CYN, 1968 to 1969,
larry76wag@gmail.com Larry:
* Gary Waldron, RM, 1/72 to 3/74, garylwaldron1@hotmail.com
Charles D. Walker, ET, 61 to 63, cw7636@charter.net
* Robert A. 'Bob' Walker, RM, 63 to 65, texaszephyr@comcell.net
Gary Walkup, RM, 7/66 to 1/69, gjwalkup@aol.com
Arthur 'Art' Wall USN(Ret), RM, 65 to 68,
art.denise.wall@cox.net Art:
Stephen ('Steve', 'dingtoo'. 'too') Wallace USN(Ret), RM, 1/70 - 8/71,
- John Walsh, Civilian, 1950's
* Rick Walsh, RM, 11/61 to 11/63,
and NOW.
- Rosaleen (Lynch) Walters, wife of the late William G. Walters, RM, 2/68 to 12/69
Lily Washburn, wife of the late Dave Washburn, PN, 62 to 65,
* Joseph (Joe) Waters, CYN, 6/66 to 10/67,
* Douglas 'Doug' Way USN(Ret), RM, 10/70 to 7/72,
Charles 'Chuck' Weigand USN(Ret), RM, 7/67 to 6/69,
Theresa (Curran) Weimer, wife of the late Roger Weimer, RM, 2/64 to 1/67,
* Joseph 'Jody' Wells, ET, 63 to 66, jwells@acfe.com
Joe: THEN and NOW.
* Margaret Westphal, wife of the late Barney Westphal, RM, 58 to 63,bmwestphal@embarqmail.com Barney: RECENT.
* Forrest C. 'Woody' Wheat USN(Ret), RM, 71 to 73, invalid e-mail address
Larry W. White, ET, 2/72 to 6/76, lwwhite@ardmore.net Larry:
THEN and
Margie White, wife of the late Edward White, UT (Seabee), 65 to 67,
* Alfred 'B.L.' Whitehead USN(Ret), RM, 63 to 64;
66 to 68, alfredwhitehead@comcast.net
B.L. THEN and NOW.
Gary S. Whitehurst, RM, 70-71, 74-75, touchofpurpletampa@hotmail.com
John Whitlock, RM, 8/70 to 12/73,
Stanley 'Jim' Whitman, CYN, 69,
- Frances Wiedman, wife of the late John Wiedman, SK, 42 to 45
Richard 'Jap' Wildes, RM, 7/72 to 11/75, richwildes@aol.com
William Wilding USN(Ret), SK, 9/55 to 10/57, w.wilding@comcast.net
Kenneth 'Ken' Williams, RM, 57 to 60, kwilliams132@comcast.net
* Ken 'Willy' Williams, CYN, 1/71 to 12/72,
Marion Williams, wife of the late Gary Williams, RM, 59 to 61, mxw4@psu.edu
Mike Williams, RM, 12/75 to 5/77,
michaelwilliamsusa@icloud.com Mike:
Kathleen 'Kitty' Williams, wife of the late Richard 'RC' Williams, RM, 61 to 64, richkitty43@aol.com Rich & Kitty:
* Thomas 'Tom' Williams USN(Ret), RM, 9/69 to 2/71, tomw@wa1mba.org
* Trenton 'Willie' Williams, RM, 62 to 63, trentondorothy@bellsouth.net
Charles Winegeart USN(Ret), RM, 69 to 71, jaguarcrw@aol.com
* Paul 'PW' Wise USN(Ret), RM, 1/63-3/66; 1/70-7/75, paulhwise@cox.net
Paul and Cindy: THEN , 1995 and 2015.
Thomas Wolters, ET, 12/65 to 6/67, wolters3745@msn.com
and NOW.
J. Patrick 'Woody' Wood, ET, 11/69 to 6/71, jwood6@wi.rr.com
Thomas E. Wood, RM, 2/72 to 7/73, Twood500@hotmail.com
Bruce Worth, RM, 64 to 65, bwbw@tcaexpress.net
* Mitch Wrenn, RM, 71 to 74,
Thomas Yea, SK, 6/68 - 9/69, thomascyea@gmail.com
* Joe Yother, RM, 11/72 to 11/74, jcyother@tds.net Joe:
THEN and Joe & Frank 2007.
* Jim Youngberg, RM, 70 to 72, golfer762@aol.com
Joe Zavarick, RM, 62 to 64, joez8@hotmail.com
* Bruce Zimmerman, Ensign, 9/72 to 8/74, tmibruce1@aol.com
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