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TAPS..... "In Remembrance of those who have passed away" (Disclaimer)

Keep these former shipmates in your prayers

Eileen (Dillon) Alcorn, wife of James Alcorn USN(Ret), RM, 65 - 67, 69 - 70, passed away on August 12, 2021. Obituary
Reverend Canon Gordon F. Anderson, Protestant Chaplain, 1971 to 1977, passed away March, 2009 at age 89. Tributes .
Milburn Michael Anderson USN(Ret), LT, 75 - 77, passed away from cancer on September 4, 2021 at age 75. Obituary
Mary Elizabeth 'Anne' (Jones) Aquino, wife of the late Paterno P. Aquino USN(Ret), SKC, 1/73 - 4/76, passed away September 17, 2020 in Derry. Obituary
Pat Aquino, SKC, Died in Derry: 8/7/1997.
Ralph E. Arnold USN(Ret), ET, 5/60 - 6/62, passed away October 9, 2014.
Charles Austin, BUC, (63-65)
Bridget Badham, Civilian, (60's - 77), Base Telephone Operator, Passed away January 20, 2008 at Altnagelvin Hospital. THEN.
Ronald Bahr, RM, 7/57 - 7/60, passed away October 2, 2009 at age 73. Obituary
Chris Baker, ET, 10/66-12/68, passed away October 9, 2008 in Aiken SC. Chris: Then and 2001  and: Obituary
Joseph Banks USN(Ret), RM, 62 - 65, passed away February 3, 2014 in Manchester NH. Photo: Recent and Obituary
Bruce 'Buck' Barclay USN(Ret), CWO2 - LTJG/LCDR, 6/74 to 9/76, passed away December 11, 2011 at age 70. Obituary
John Barker USN(Ret), ICCM, 3/67 - 4/69, passed away January 6, 2023 at age 76.
James Edgar Barrett, ChM/ChWC, (42-44), Died in 1982 at age 91.
Clyde Barts USN(Ret), UT Seabee, 1/57 to 3/59, Died March 1, 2006. Clyde: Photos
Dan Baucher, RM2, (70's), passed away 2004 in Londonderry from a heart attack.
Howard Robert Batchelor, BT2, 3/66 - 4/69, passed away peacefully July 11, 2016 at Altnagelvin Hospital. Obituary
Gordon Bauschka USN(Ret), RM1, 6/66 - 5/69, passed away October 13, 2022 at age 79 in Pensacola FL. Photo:'Maureen & Gordy - 1967'.
Maureen (McGrory) Bauschka, wife of Gordon Bauschka USN(Ret), RM, 66 - 69, passed away October 12, 2013 at age 69 in Pensacola FL. Photo:'Maureen'  and Obituary .
Florian Bednarski, EM 1/c, 3/42 - 8/44, passed away January 7, 2011 at age 87.
Thomas 'Tom' Behra USN(Ret), RM, 59 - 60, passed away August 3, 2009 at the Veterans Hospital, Cleveland OH. Obituary
Joy Beiner, wife of Fred Beiner, RM, 59-61, passed away October 22, 2015 at Hope Hospice, Cape Coral FL.
Jimmy Lee Belangia, RM, 74 - 75, of Nags Head NC, passed away November 4, 2019 at age 66.
Richard J. (Dick) Bellemare USN(Ret), RMCS(SW), 74 - 76, of Goose Creek SC, at age 80, passed away December 15, 2018. Obituary.
Leland John Bender USN(Ret), RM, 66 - 68, passed away February 8, 2022 at age 75.
Scott Bennett, RM3, (66-68), Died in Wisconsin in an Auto Accident early 1973.
Rick Bilbrey, EO, 75-77, passed away December 15, 1988 at age 31 from suicide. 
Rosten Wayne 'Doc' Bishop USN, HM1, Died in South Vietnam on May 21, 1966 at age 33, while assigned to H&S CO, 1ST BN, III MAF. Link to Virtual Vietnam Veterans Wall: "The Wall"

James T. 'Jim' Bishop, RMCM, (10/75-6/77), Died in Augusta, Georgia, June 8, 1990, of lung cancer.
John Bloom, RMC, (6/66 to 11/70), Died: 1/26/92, at age 45 years.
Joe 'Blackie' Black USN(Ret), RM, 6/63 - 12/64, passed away on April 18, 2018 in Copperas Cove TX. Joe: THEN  and 2009
Robert A. 'Bobby' Bolesic, ET, 1966 to 1968, passed away July 5, 2004 at age 61. Obituary
Donald Albert Bolia, Ph M, 3/44 - 10/45, passed away December 30, 1998 at age 73.
Walter 'Walt' Bort, RM2, 58 - 60, passed away August 29, 2013 at age 74.
Millard C. Bowen USN(Ret), ETC, 10/74 - 9/77, passed away March 13, 2016 in Brockport NY at age 73. 1976.
Larry Brandalik, RM1, (60-63)
Paul J. Brazill, LT, passed away at home on December 3, 2019.
Jack V. Bridges, CT, 46 - 49, passed away September 18, 2017. Condolences may be sent to his wife, Annie "Fay" (nee Orr) at: bridges204@icloud.com
Photo: Recent and Obituary

Dwan (Bobby) Brinson, RM3. Passed away December 22, 1990 at age 37. Bobby in '74, and '88: THEN
Kathleen McKinney Brotherton, wife of Don Brotherton, RM, 65 - 68, passed away August 6, 2021 in Derry. Photo: Recent and Obituary
Alvin Brownstein USN(Ret), SHCM, 2/68 - 2/70, passed away August 26, 2021 at age 82. Obituary
Jill Brozek USN Veteran, wife of Charles Brozek USN(Ret), RM, 8/64 - 8/68, passed away June 7, 2023 in Libertyville IL at age 76.
Frank Brunell, Disbursing, (68-71), Died : 1998.
Peter Buckley, LT, (62-65), Died in New York, NY, May 23, 1991, at age 52 years, of complications from AIDS.
John Burg, SKC, (61-63)
Joe Burlandi, CYN, (66-68), Died: 1991. Joe: THEN Daughter Jen would like to hear from anyone who might be able to share memories of her Dad while in Derry - her email: lunasea1@optonline.net
Dennis James Burns, CM 3/c (CB), 43 - 44, passed away December 9, 1980 in Minneapolis MN at age 78.
Eileen Elizabeth Gamble Burns, originally from Coleraine, wife of Dennis James Burns, CM 3/c (CB), 43 - 44, passed away September 11, 1970 in St. Paul MN at age 44.
Ron Bush, RM, (69-70), From Woodstock, GA passed away in 2005 from complications due to cancer surgery. Ron: THEN  and July 2005
John 'Jack' Butrovich III USN(Ret), LT, 68 to 70, passed away April 13, 2013 at age 80 in Corpus Christi TX. Jack (with wife Vernice): RECENT
D.L. "Roy" Byford, RM, 66-68, passed away September 23, 2009 at age 64. 
Lee 'Tank' Byron USN(Ret), RMCM, 6/57 - 6/61, passed away July 4, 2019 in Leonardtown, MD. Photo:'Lee'  and Obituary .
Robert 'Bob' Call, (61-63), Died: 1995
Fredrick N. Callahan, RM/LT, (Jan 64 - Dec 65), passed away May 25, 2007 at age 66, while undergoing a heart transplant at Hershey Medical Center, Hershey PA. Photo:'Fred'  and: Prayer
Carl Campbell, Civilian, Bartender Chief's club, Died December 1, 2004. Contact his son Carl Jr. at carl2007@hotmail.com
Jim Campbell, Civilian, EM Club Barman
Anna Canning, wife of the late William Canning, Civilian, Gate Guard, 66 to 77, passed away May 8, 2013 in Derry. Obituary
William Canning, Civilian, Gate Guard, 66 to 77, passed away October 2, 2011 in Derry. Obituary
Jack Carenza USN(Ret), LT/CAPT SC, 1961 - 1963, passed away October 12, 2008 in West Simsbury CT, at 75 years of age.
Danny Carlin, Civilian, 50's and 60's, Died January 31, 2004. Newspaper interview with Danny: Read 
Skip Carlson, RMC, (65-67)
Charles 'Charlie Echo' Carpenter, RM, (1962-1965), passed away August 8, 2008. Charlie: THEN
June (Lepp) Carpenter, wife of the late Charles 'Charlie Echo' Carpenter, RM, (1962-1965), passed away December 17, 2021. June and Charlie:THEN
John Cassidy, Civilian, Boilerman, 66 - 77.
Bridget (McCool) Cavazos, wife of Rick Cavazos, RM (66-70,75-77), passed away March 2, 2012 at age 65. Photo: Then and Obituary
Israel 'Rick' Cavazos USN(Ret), RMCS, 66-70, 75-77, passed away February 17, 2020 at Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, Edinburg TX at age 76. Rick: THEN - 1970 and 1976  , 2001, and Obituary
Jimmy Chambers, Civilian Plumber, Died: August 1977
Michael Chapman, RM, (mid-70's)
Thomas 'Wop' Chendorain USN(Ret), RMC, 8/70 - 10/75, passed away December 2, 2022.
David Anthony Christenbury, RM, 72 - 74, passed away August 21, 2023 in Midland NC at age 70.
James 'JC' Clippard USN(Ret), RMC, 2/60 - 3/64, passed away May 14, 2016 at age 89. Photos: Then, Recent, and Obituary.
Betty (Roddy) Cohen, wife of the late Steve Cohen, passed away July 13, 2015 at age 72 in Virginia Beach VA. Obituary .
Steve Cohen USN(Ret), ETC, passed away Dec 2000.
Arthur D. (Doug) Coleman, CWO3/LT, 73 - 77, passed away June 28, 2022 at age 82 in Virginia Beach VA.
H. Lynn 'Coop' Cooper, PN, (67-70), Died: 12/1999. Coop had retired as a PNC, and lived in Biloxi, MS.
Roger 'Ray' Cooper, UT-Seabee, 53 to 55, Died August 25, 2004. His wife Iris may be contacted at LDERRY55@aol.com
Jean Rush Coulter, former wife of Chuck Harrington, ET, 70's, passed away in Derry July 2003 at age 55.
Neil Cowell USN(Ret), EM2(SS)/LCDR, 65 - 68, passed away January 10, 2016 from various health issues at age 80 in Virginia Beach VA.
Earl Dale Cox, PFC-USMC, (1943), born October 21, 1920 in Albion IL, passed away February 29, 1972 at age 51 in Baltimore MD.
Sam Cox, ETC, (58-62), Died: 5/25/99, of a heart attack. 
George Coyle, Civilian, 9/66 - 9/77, passed away August 11, 2021 in Derry.
Don Crager, PC, (66-67), Died: June 23, 2000 at age 57.
Vera (McCallion) Crotty, wife of John T. Crotty, ET, 7/53 - 2/56, passed away December 13, 2014.
Bill Cruikshank, Died: 1991.
'Big John' Crumley, Civilian, (40's-1973), Rossdowney Head Groundsman, Died: 1985. John in 1973: THEN
Allison 'Al' M. Cullins USN(Ret), RMCM, 1/70 - 4/72, passed away February 4, 2025 at age 87.
Barbara Cullins, wife of Al Cullins, RM, 70-72, Died: July 28, 2003.
Lester 'Les' Culp, CE1, SeaBee, 76 - 77, passed away November 21, 2000 at age 61.
George 'Phonsie' Curran, Civilian, 1969 - 1977, Base electrician at Clooney and Rossdowney, passed away July 27, 2014 at age 80. Obituary.
Steve 'Staff' Dacey, RM, 12/63-12/66, Died: Oct 4, 2007 Steve: THEN and 1997.
Milton Dagenais, (66-69). Died: 11/1992. Contact wife Ann (Snodgrass) through:  jwafford@wvc.net
Anna Monaghan Dajnowski, wife of George 'Dave' Dajnowski, ET, 67 - 69, for 55 years, passed away July 2, 2024.
Darrell Danielson, RM, 1966 to 1968, passed away March 2004 at age 59. THEN.
Theodore Frederick 'Dan' Dannecker, EM 1/c, 3/42 - 8/44, passed away June 9, 2016 at age 92 in Oklahoma City OK. Photos:Then  , Recent  , Marker  and: Obituary.
Alberta 'Granny' Davis, (69-70), wife of Carl Davis, Died: May 1998. Grand daughter Tina: tina@ventur.net
Eddie Davis, ET, (57-60), Died: 6/1993.
Elizabeth 'Lily' (Gamble) Davis, wife of John Davis USN(Ret), RM, 63-67, 68-70, died May 30, 2005.
John Davis USN(Ret), RM, 63-67, 68-70, passed away February 29, 2012.
John and Lily: 1966 and 2001.
Harvey Day USN(Ret), YNC, 5/70 to 5/74, passed away September 5, 2014 from pancreatic cancer. Survived by his wife of 53 years Marie, daughter Barbara Jean Reynolds, and son Capt. Michael Day, USCG.
Leon Dean, RMC, (Late 50's and Mid 60's), Died in 1998.
Donald 'Don' Decker USN(Ret), RMC, 75 - 77, passed away April 1, 2022 at age 75.
Leo 'Red' Deehan, Civilian, EM Club Manager, Died: 2/1993. Leo: THEN.
John 'Sonny' Deeney, Civilian, (7/63-8/74), Passed away and was buried on May 23, 2008   Photo: THEN .
Pat Deeney, Civilian Engineer - Public Works Rossdowney, 66-77, passed away July 31, 2013 at age 90.
Edwin 'Herbie' DeFriez, XO, (62-63), Died: late 60's.
Deen Dennis, RM3, 64 - 65, passed away March 29, 1969 at age 23 in Yuma AZ. Photo:'Deen at 16'  and Marker .
Richard Dey, ET, 10/69 to 5/70, passed away at home from pancreatic cancer March 20, 2010 at age 63.  Photo: Recent  and Obituary.
Donald H. Didcoct, Died: 1990 while employed at the University of Wisconsin (Madison), Prof. of Ed
Richard "Dick" Dionne, ETN2, 1972 to 1976, passed away April 19, 2010 at age 61 from Parkinson's Disease.  Photo: Recent   and  Obituary.
Howard Dodds USN(Ret), SFC, 3/42 to 8/44, passed away June 4, 2010 at age 86 in Dearborn, MI. Howard: 1943 and 2003.
Danny Duddy, Civilian, who spent many a year at Rossdowney as the Base mechanic, passed away on June 25, 2006. Son Brian's cell phone number is either: 07742198374 or 07742193374, if someone needs to contact him about his dads passing away.
Bob Dude USNR(Ret), LT/CDR, 6/68 - 10/69, passed away August 23, 2020 at age 77 in New Berlin WI. Obituary .
William 'Willie' Duffy, Civilian Carpenter, (1969-1977), Passed away June 9, 2008   Photo:2000  and: Obituary.
Robert A. Dunbar USN(Ret), RMCS, 68 - 70, passed away May 8, 2020 at age 80 in Fitzgerald GA
Norman Dunlap, YN, 9/63 to 3/65, deceased 11 Feb 2007
Anna T. (McGuiness) Dunn, wife of the late RMC David D. Dunn, passed away August 21, 2012 at age 77 in Virginia Beach, VA. Obituary.
David D. Dunn USN(Ret), RMC, (1959 - 1961), passed away May 24, 2009 at age 69 in Virginia Beach VA. His wife Anna; daughter Deborah; two sons Gerald and David survives him. Photo:RMC Dunn  and: Obituary.
Frank Durnin, Civilian, Painter, (1963-1968), passed away August 20, 2008 in Derry. Frank: 1968 and 2000  and: Obituary.
Peter (Pete) Dutzer, RM, 62-63, Passed away December 27, 2007 in Hazelton, PA, of complications from Lukemia.
John M. Dye, (69-72), Died: 10/1995.
Horace C. Edwards, SHC, (66-68), Died August 3, 2002. 
Burt Eels, WO, Burt: THEN.
Andrew 'Jim' Eggett, ET/LT, 56-59, 64-66, passed away June 13, 2013 in Westville, IL.
John Ehrhart, RMC, (60-63)
Guy 'Buddy' Eidson USN(Ret), RM, 9/65 - 10/69, passed away September 14, 2014. Buddy: THEN.
Eileen Elfsten, wife of the late Robert N. Elfsten, LCDR, 2/65 - 10/67, passed away March 16, 2022 at the age of 95. She will be buried at sea in the manner of her late husband LCDR Robert Elfsten.
Robert N. Elfsten, LCDR, Base XO 2/65-10/67, passed away on Jan 31, 1997.
Yolande Martin Ekstrom, wife of Frank Ekstrom, ET, 60 - 64, passed away October 18, 2019 in Ireland.
Byron A. Falk USA(Ret), FC2/c - MAJ, 1/43 - 6/44, passed away March 11, 2016 at age 91, with burial at Arlington National Cemetery
Art Farina USN, RM1, (74-75), Died in Derry: 2/7/75. Art: THEN.
Richard "Rich" Farris USN(Ret), RM, 9/71 - 12/72, 2/74 - 3/77, passed away August 23, 2021 at St Vincent’s Hospital Middleburg, FL. Survived by his wife of 48 years, Margaret Kennedy Farris, four children and twelve grandchildren.
Robert "Bob" Faunce USN(Ret), RMC, 10/61 - 4/63, passed away on April 22, 2021 at age 78. THEN and RECENT
Ed 'Ned' Fegan, Civilian - Laborer Leader, 55 - 77, passed away peacefully December 22, 2019 at Altnagelvin Hospital. Photo: 2019
John Fegan, Civilian, Supply Office
Richard Fischer, ETN, aka "Fish" (61-63), died 1998
Agnes Fitzpatrick, wife of Bobby Fitzpatrick, Civilian, 60's and 70's, passed away April 14, 2011 from cancer.  Photo of Agnes, Bob Gradisher, and Bobby: 2001 Their son Leo's e-mail: lafitz@btinternet.com
Bobby Fitzpatrick, Civilian, 60's and 70's, Died: October 26, 2007. Bobby: 2001 and receiving plaque at 2003 Derry Reunion: 2003
Ann (O'Donnell) Flewell, wife of Robert Flewell, HM, 65-66. Ann, raised in Rooskey, Inishowen Ireland on a beautiful farm, passed away August 28, 2009 in Buffalo NY. Photo:Ann  and: Obituary.
Janet Lea Richert Flint, DT2, 75 - 76, passed away August 10, 2014 from cancer at age 60. Photos: 1976  , 2009  , Mr & Mrs Flint 2011  , and: Obituary.
Robert C. Flint USN(Ret), WO1-CWO2/LCDR, 12/72 - 1/75, passed away September 24, 2012 at age 68 in Casselberry, FL. Bob Flint & Daughter St. Patrick's Day 1974
Photos: LCDR Flint  , Recent  , and: Obituary.
John 'Jack' Flynn, LTJG/CAPT, (59-61), died March 9, 2003, in Vienna, Va.
Link to an eternal memorial: MEMORIAL

John T. Fout, RMCS, (58-60, 68-70), Died: 1981. John in 1960: THEN.
Kenneth Eugene 'Gene' Fowler Jr., 1950's, passed away December 9, 2023 at age 84 in Sainte Genevieve, MO.
Leonard E. Franz, RM, 11/59 to 11/62, passed away February 9, 2010 at age 68 from Alzheimer's disease. Obituary.
Dan Frazier, RM, 11/63 - 5/65, passed away October 20, 2013 at age 69 in Indianapolis, IN. Photo:'Dan'  and Obituary .
George Frazier USN(Ret), RM, 51-53, Died: October 6, 2007 George: THEN and RECENT.
Eldred L. French, Jr., RM, 58-62, Died: March 25, 2005.
Charlie Funk, ET1, (64-65)
George 'Double-G' Galligan USN(Ret), RMC, 63-65, 75-77, passed away June 20, 2012 at age 73 in Ocala, FL. Photos: 1964 and 2001  and: Obituary .
Myra (O'Neill) Galligan, wife of the late George Galligan, RM, 63-65; 75-77, passed away February 16, 2006, in Ocala, Fl.  Myra's: Photo
Jack Mitchel Gandee, CWO, USN Retired, 59-61, Died Nov 26th, 2004, in Virginia Beach Va., Jack: THEN.
Ann Marie (McCourt) Gemelke, wife of Jack Gemelke, RM, 3/67 - 3/69, passed away October 27, 2015.
Kenny Gibson, Civilian, Bowling Alley Attendant
Leo Gillespie, Civilian, Died: 1977, in Derry.
Owen L. Gillespie USN(Ret), RMCM, (1958 - 1961), of Hanahan SC passed away December 25, 2008 at 89 years of age, Obituary.
Raymond J. Gilstrap, ET1, 65-67 and 69-71, passed away October 23, 2012 at age 69 in CA. Burial Info .
John Patric Glenn USN, BM 1/c, (1946). John died Sept 29, 1946, in Derry, as result of Jeep accident. John: THEN.
J.B. Gooch, RM, (1960's)
Charles 'Chuck' Goodale USN(Ret), YN1/CDR, 11/51 - 2/54, passed away September 10, 2014 at age 86.
Edward L. Gosnell, ET, 1963-1964, Died of natural causes on February 18, 1998, in Washington. Ed is survived by his widow Jennie, of Mill Creek, WA.
Donald Graham, LT/LCDR, USN(Ret), 1961 to 1963, passed away February 3, 2010 at age 80 Obituary  and Tribute.
Joyce Graham, wife of Donald Graham, LT/LCDR, 1961 to 1963, passed away April 6, 2011 at age 78.  Photo: Don, Joyce, and family from 2000 , and  Obituary.
Ronald Grant, RMC
Tom Green, ET, (51-52), Died: 1999.
Peg Green, wife of Robert Green [LT (60-63)] for 53 years, after five months from diagnosis, she passed away on September 11, 2009 at age 72 from pancreatic cancer. For those who might remember we had twin sons born in Altnagelvin Hospital in 1962.
John Griffin USN(Ret), RM1, 68-70, 75-77, passed away January 13, 2017 in Derry.  John: THEN 
Rita (Ming) Griffin, wife of the late John Griffin [RM (68-70, 75-77)], passed away in Derry on October 12, 2010 from cancer.
Richard Griffin, USN.
Gordon Grimm USN(Ret), ETC, 11/72 - 10/76, passed away March 28, 2021 after a brief illness.
Robert 'Bob' Griswold, LT, 6/75 to 7/77. Died May 27, 2003. 
Thomas 'Whitey' Grumley, Civilian, Senior Gate Guard. Whitey in '74: THEN.
Arlie Gunther, YNC, (late 50's, early 60'), Died 5-25-95, at age 71, from leukemia.
Claude E Hale, LT., 12/55 to 12/57, the second week of April 2003 in Woodbridge, Va. 
Gerald 'Jerry' Hansen USN(Ret), YNCM, 6/60 - 7/62, passed away December 3, 2021 in Derry. Photo: 2010  and: Obituary .
Wilfred O. "Bud" Hansen, PFC-USMC, 43 - 44, passed away March 25, 2011.  Obituary.  Link to: Memorial
Mike Harlan, RM, 69-71, 75-77, Died: August 20, 2007.
Curtis Harper, RMCM (66-67)
Roy E. Hartley, RM 1/c, 1943 - 1944, from Dunkard PA. An honored veteran and one of the key players getting the VA office up and running in Greene County PA. Passed away January 5, 1966. THEN .
Charlie Hayes, RM 2/c, 1943 - 1944, passed away December 15, 2013 in Northampton MA. THEN .
Peter 'Pete' Hazelton (RM, 1/64 to 2/67), on January 23, 2003. Pete: THEN and in 2002.
Gerald L. Heimbigner, RMC, 63-66, passed away May 22, 2004, in Lake Elsinore, CA.
Christian 'Chris' (formerly Laslie) Hendricks USN(Ret), RMCS, 65-67, 73-77, passed away in Salem OR, date unknown.
Mary Josphine (Quigley) Hendricks, wife of the Late Chris Hendricks USN(Ret), RMCS, 65-67, 73-77, passed away February 2, 2015 in Salem OR.
Ralph G. 'Jocko' Hensley, (ETC, 58-60), on February 7, 2003.
Cynthia S. (Cindy) Herold USNR(Ret), RM2/LT, (1976 - 1977), passed away Nov 8 2000 at age 45 in Toledo OH. Obituary. Her former husband Jim Wiener's e-mail: james.wiener@sbcglobal.net

Edward William Herr Jr. USN(Ret), ET/GSCS, 66 - 68, passed away August 3, 2023 in Woolwich ME at age 78.
Aubrie 'Al' Hess USN(Ret), LT, 6/66 - 9/68, passed away peacefully on September 7, 2022. Then and 2001
Caroline Teresa (Ward) Hicks, wife of Christopher Hicks, RM, 70-72, passed away September 28, 2015.
Charles Hill, HM, 60 - 62, married to Ann (Sidebottom) Hill, passed away August 3, 2009 at 73 years of age.
Liam Hillen, Civilian, 67 - 74, passed away December 25, 2018 in Derry at age 69. Free Derry Corner by Liam Hillen.
William E. Hodges, SHC, Unknown, Passed away March 13, 2008 in Virginia Beach, VA.  Photo: 1950's.  Obituary.
Marvin Hoffrichter, RM3, 1942-1943, Died March 16, 2005.
Alvah 'A.J.' "Tex" Holder, RM, 10/70 to 2/72, passed away July 4, 2013 in Wichita Falls TX.  Photos:RM "A" Sch   and: Then  
and: Then   and: Recent   and: Obituary.
David Holtkamp USN, RM3, (66), Died in Derry: 12/18/66.
Arthur 'Art' Honke, ETC, (60-63)
Wallace R. Hoover USN(Ret), RMC, (1964 - 1966), passed away January 5, 1995 at age 65 in Greensboro NC. Mrs. Hoover survives him. His son Ray's e-mail: rhoover12@triad.rr.com

Charles 'Hop' Hopkins, Teleman, (50-53), passed away December 1995 at age 69. Hop: THEN  and 1994 Son, Gary's e-mail: garyhop1@gmail.com
Madlin (Bessie) Hopkins, wife of the late Charles 'Hop' Hopkins, Teleman, (50-53), passed away October 14, 2015 at age 82. Madlin: THEN  and 1994 Son, Gary's e-mail: garyhop1@gmail.com
John A. Hopkins, RM, (60-64), Died: 1999.
Steve Horahan, PN, (1960's)
Preston 'Hud' Huddleson, Rd M, (12/42 - 11/43), passed away July 9, 2009 in Ocala FL at age 84 and was buried at Bushnell Military Cemetary, FL.
Charlie Hudgins, RM, (63-64), Died: 5/26/1999.
Rod Huffman, RM, (56-58)
Priscilla (Curran) Heusdens, wife of Howard Heusdens,RM, 12/60 to 5/62 Died: July 1, 2004
'Rusty' Imbornone USN, RM, Died 1963 in Derry.
Anna Ippolito, wife of Arthur 'Ippy' Ippolito USN(Ret), RMCM, 56-61, 63-66, passed away January 14, 2017. 
Arthur 'Ippy' Ippolito USN(Ret), RMCM, 56-61, 63-66, passed away June 13, 2023 at age 86. Ippy:1956 and LATER.

Bobby Durand James USN(Ret), PN1, 3/76 - 3/77, of Milton FL, passed away April 24, 2016. Obituary.
Andrew Janer, RM3, 12/50 - 12/51, passed away March 29, 2016 at age 86 from complications of a heart attack and dementia.  Andy: THEN  and: 2001
Arnold Jenks, SK1, (65-69), Died: 11/4/1995. Contact Jim Harris for Arnold Jenks' wife's address.
J.P. Jedrzcjewski, Died: 12/11/98
Jack Lindsay Johnston, SK 2/c, 41-44, Passed away July 7, 1988. Gaby & Jack 1944 
Gabrielle "Gaby" (McGavigan) Johnston, wife of Jack L. Johnston, SK 2/c, 41-44, Passed away January 14, 1989.  Gaby & Jack 1944
Joel Houston Jones, SDC, 42 - 44, passed away March 8, 1968 at age 47. Photo: Then and Marker.
Len Joslyn USN (Ret), RMC, 66 - 67; 69 - 71; 76 - 77, passed away May 31, 2018. Then
Paula Maria Staggl-Kafer wife of Leonard 'Kaf' Kafer, RM, 58 - 61, passed away October 4, 2023 at age 72.
Ed Kane, RMC, Died: 1998.
Donald 'Duke' Karsten, RM, 7/62 - 9/64, passed away in 2014.
Mary J. Karsten, wife of the late Donald 'Duke' Karsten, RM, 7/62 - 9/64, passed away in 2014.
Paul Kearney, RM, (1974-1977), Died January 3, 2005 of Heart Failure. Survived by his Derry Wife Margaret Green Kearney.
Doug Keeling, RM1
Eileen (Murray) Keenan, ex-wife of Jerry Keenan, RM, 66-67, 69-70, 75-76, passed away April 28, 2013 from cancer at age 67 in Derry.
Charles H. Keiner, HMC, (1941-1942)
Ronnie 'Ron' Kelley USN(Ret), RM, 12/70 to 9/72, passed away August 20, 2011 at age 66 in Oslo, Norway. Obituary.
William Edward Kelly USNRF, Boiler Maker, (NOK-mother, Catherine Kelly, Carrang House, Ballinglon, Roscommon, Ireland; enlisted Boston, Mass, March 5, 1918), died at NAS Lough Foyle, Sept 18, 1918 drowned (not known if flying related).
Frank Kendrix, ETC, (1958-1961), Died: 9/1991.
William Kent, RMCM, (58-61, 64-67), Died July 1998.
John E. Kistner USN(Ret), LTJG, 6/56 - 12/57, passed away February 14, 2016. Obituary.
Ed Kleynen USN(Ret), RM, 63-64, 74-77, passed away April 2, 2015 at age 71 from cancer in Germany. Services to be held May 16, 2015 in York PA. Obituary .
Alfred 'Dutch' Klingebiel, ET, 50 to 52, Died March 29, 1994.
Edward Knudsen USN(Ret), ET-ENS/LT, 6/59 - 6/63.
Wayne Kohlmeyer USN(Ret), ETCS, 70-76, passed away November 13, 2006 at age 57. Wayne: THEN

Andrew "AJ" Kopiak Jr. USN(Ret), RM/CT, 72 - 76, passed away March 30, 2022.
Donald 'DJ' Kring USN(Ret), RMCS, 6/60 - 7/63, passed away December 1, 2013 from a massive stroke.
John Kyle, RMC, (61-65), Died: March 1981.
Walter 'Wally' Lachcik, ETR3, 11/72 - 6/75, passed away in Toledo OH, July 12, 2023.
Keven Land, RM, 7/57 to 9/60, passed away in his sleep on August 8, 2005. Keven: Photo#1 and Photo#2
Ralph Langley, PFC USMC, (1942 - 1944), of Dayton, OH.
Christian 'Chris' Laslie (now Hendricks) USN(Ret), RMCS, 65-67, 73-77, passed away in Salem OR, date unknown.
Lee Lathrop, RMC
Dean LeMear, RMC/WO-1, (69-70), Died in an auto accident in Panama in 1978.
Lamont "Goofy" Leon, RM, (66-70), Died: 1998. Ex-wife Anna Sweeney (from Derry) e-mail: wade337@hotmail.com
Xavier James Leuci USN(Ret), RMCS, (4/1966 - 10/1968), passed away July 1, 2008 at 76 years of age. His son Jim's e-mail: jleuci1@cox.net

Cheryl L. Liebman, wife of William N. Liebman, ET, 68 - 70, passed away February 20, 2011. Cheryl accompanied William during his tour in Londonderry.   Obituary.
Walter Lisicki USN(Ret), RMCS, 66 - 70, passed away November 25, 2018. Photos: 1966 ; Then ; 2001 and Obituary
James M. Lloyd, RM1, Aug 69 - Apr 71, passed away September 10, 2013 at age 67. Photo: Then and Obituary.
James 'Jim' Logan, Civilian, 9/61 - 9/77, passed away January 1, 2018 in Derry.
Phyllis Logan, wife of the late James 'Jim' Logan, Civilian, 9/61 - 9/77, passed away March 25, 2019 in Derry.
Jim "J. O." Lotan, RMC, (late 60's), Died: 1998. Wife Helen (a Thurso lass) died August 26, 2003.  
William Allen Loughlin, MBE, Civilian - Peerless Cleaners, passed away February 3, 2019 in Londonderry at age 91. "Church Service Announcement", "Announcement",  "Hymns",  "How Great Thou Art",  Link to Londonderry Sentinel article: "Obituary"

Carol Loria, wife of Louis Loria, CWO/LTJG, 1/71 - 7/73, passed away February 10, 2023. Funeral services are pending.
James N. Lowder, MS, 42 to 45, Died in March 2006 at age 82.
H.G. (Greg) Lunsford USN(Ret), RMC, 5/48 - 12/49, passed away January 26, 2020 at age 91. Photo:'Greg'  and Obituary .
Hugh Lynch, Civilian, Gate Guard, Maintenance (55-75), Died: 2/22/75.
William H. Lynch USN(Ret), CAPT, 4/70 - 8/72, passed away January 9, 2015 at 88 years of age.
John "Mac" MacPherson, RM3, 1963-1965, passed away in August 1978 at the age of 34 in Tampa FL. A photo of Mac:
Note: Those of us who served with John, aka "Mac", will certainly be saddened to hear this news. Mac had married a "Derry Girl", Elish Murphy from Creggan Estates, and they were living in Tampa, Florida when he died. They had two children, a son and a daughter, She has since remarried, and no contact information is available. Elish's sister, Philly (Murphy) Egan, would like to hear from Johnny's old friends, and can be e-mailed at: philly55@nycap.rr.com

Denis Magee, Civilian, Boiler House Maintenance (64-77), Died: 1995. Denis: THEN.
Ted E. Malcor USN(Ret), RMCS, 11/71 - 5/74, passed away on March 14, 2025 at Virginia Beach General Hospital. 1972 and 2000
Anthony Manfredi, SK 3/c, 42 - 44, passed away December 10, 2013 at age 91. Photo: 1943 and Obituary.
Barbara Mann, wife of Donald "Red" Mann, ET, 8/74 - 4/77. Passed away February 3, 2017 after a long illness.   Obituary.
William F. "Willie" Mann, Civilian, son of Donald "Red" Mann, ET, 8/74 - 4/77. Passed away April 28 2014 at hospital in Virginia Beach VA at age 49.   Obituary.
William 'Bill' A. Marschner, Y3, 12/42 - 2/44, passed away December 17, 2015 at age 90.
Richard E. Martin, CM, (1941), passed away March 18, 2009 at Brooks Hospital, Dunkirk, NY.
Thomas Martin USN, ET3, (1974), Died: 7/12/74, in Derry, in an automobile accident.  
James (Jim) Mathews, RM1(SEAL), (1971-1972), passed away April 28, 2008 from a rare form of cancer due to exposure of Agent Orange in RVN.
Lonnie M. Massey CAPT USMC(Ret), Civilian-Field Engineer, 62 to 72, passed away March 23, 2019 at age 100. Then and Recent  and Obituary.
Billy McCaleb USN(Ret), LT CEC, 2/70 - 5/72, passed away January 7, 2011 at age 67.
Noel McCann, Civilian, 70 - 74, passed away April 28, 2020 in Derry. Photo: 1970 and 2000 and Obituary.
David McCluskey, RM, (57-60), Died 9/11/01 of cancer in Chelmsford, MA.
Anna Teresa (Duffy) McConaha, wife of Earle 'Lee' McConaha, RM, 62 - 65, passed away December 19, 2024 at the age 81.
John F. McEvoy USN(Ret), RM1, 11/59 - 4/63, 72 - 74. Passed away on August 1, 2017 in Derry.   Obituary.
George McGowan, Civilian, Phone Operator
John McGowan, Civilian, 61 - 77, passed away October 28, 2022 in Derry. Photo:'John'  and Obituary .
Gary L. McGrath USN(Ret), RMC, 72 - 75, husband of Helen McCormick McGrath, passed away May 5, 2020 in San Diego CA.  Photo: 1974.
Allen L. "Mac" McKeithan, PN1, 70 - 72, passed away August 27, 2021 in Wilmington NC.
Edward F. McLarney, RM, 1947 to 1950, passed away April 6, 2007 at age 80.
Patrick J. 'Paddy Mac' McMenimin, Civilian, Boiler House, Died: 6/74.
David McNair USN(Ret), Died: May 2, 2007 in Derry.
John McNamara, RM, 74 - 77.
Robert J. McNatt, RMCS, (67-70), Died: 2001.
Francis J. (Frank) McNeill Jr USN(Ret), RM, 7/71 to 7/74, passed away March 14, 2023 at age 82 in Butler PA.   Frank:Then and 2008. and Obituary.
George McNiff, SKC, (64-67), Died: 12/19/1981 in California. George: THEN.
Michael McNulty
Hugh McNutt, Civilian, Cook, passed away January 23, 2018 in Derry.
Andy Melillo, RM, 57 to 61, passed away November 4, 2011 in hospital at Belfast from bone cancer. Obituary.
Dora (Doherty) Melillo, wife of the late Andy Melillo, RM, 57 to 61, passed away May 26, 2019 in Derry. Obituary.
David 'Roger' Mendez USN(Ret), PC/DPC, 11/61 - 5/64, passed away mid October, 2014 in New Orleans LA from leukemia.
Edward Mercer USN(Ret), RMCS, (1970 - 1972), passed away November 26, 2013 at age 82 in Mesa AZ. Photo:RMCS Mercer  and: Obituary.
Lester 'Mike' Michiels, ET, (51-53), (Died: 1/2001)
James Mielke USN(Ret), IC, 3/75 - 3/77, passed away in 2017.
Mike Miller, RMCS, (56-59, and 73-77), Died: August, 1979,
Wife Moira's e-mail: millermoira21@gmail.com and son Liam's e-mail: liam.miller@lyit.ie
R. L. 'Bob' Miller, RMC, (59-62), (Died: 1998)
John Mills, RM, (62-64), (Died: September 1998)
Susan Miller, wife of Gregory A. Miller, RM, 1/72 to 3/75, passed away August 5, 2014 at the Bethesda MD Military Hospital from small cell cancer.
Virgil Mixon, RM, 1/59 - 2/62, passed away October 26 2009 at age 71, due to injuries sustained in an auto accident. Obituary.
Lawrence W. "Larry" Moore RM, 75 - 77, passed away March 16, 2016 in St. Louis MO at age 61. Obituary.
Chester Murphy USN(Ret), CDR, 10/71 - 4/74, passed away July 19, 2011 in Virginia Beach, VA. CDR Murphy:THEN
Gerald 'Jerry' Murphy, RM, (50-52), Died: July 2, 2001. Condolences for Jerry's wife: wa1vrz@juno.com 
Mike Musser, RM USN(Ret), (1966 - 1968), of Cassville MO passed away January 25, 2009 at 63 years of age, Obituary.
Francis Story Myers, QM 1/c(A), 3/18 - 11/18, NAS Lough Foyle. Born June 4, 1897, Catskill, Greene County, New York. Died January 20, 1969, Columbia Memorial Hospital, Hudson, Columbia County, New York. Photo: 1918 and Medals and Marker.
Keith Nelson, RM, 70-73, passed away May 18, 2006, at age 64 in Bradenton, Fl.  Keith's Obituary & Photo
Richard "Dick" Newcity USN(Ret), ETCM, 4/70 to 7/74, passed away January 14, 2011 at age 72 in Bristol, CT.   Obituary.
Martin Niess USN(Ret), ETCM, (1963 - 1966), of James Island SC, passed away January 18, 2009 at 86 years of age, Obituary.
Karl Nitschke USN(Ret), ET/WO/LT, 58-61, 61-66, 72-75, passed away August 31, 2015 at age 75. Obituary.
Marvin Lee Nolan, ET
George O'Donnell, Civilian, (42 to 77), Died October 2002. George: in 2002. George's son Eugene's email: eugene.odonnell@ntlworld.com  
Jim Owens, RM, 7/62-1/64, Died: October 20, 2007 Jim: THEN.
Joan M. (Callan) Pacileo, wife for over 50 years to Tom Pacileo USN(Ret), RM, 60 - 61, from the Waterside, passed away January 9, 2015 at hospice.
Frank Partridge, ET, 8/60-8/63, 1/69-7/73, Died: July 8, 2007 at Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry.
Edward Patriquin, RMC, (64-65), passed away June 23, 1997 at age 67.   Ed: THEN.
James 'Jimmy' Patton, Civilian, Driver, (43-73), Died: 12/1999, Age 91.
Christian Paul Jr., Y3/c, 6/21/45 - 12/9/46, passed away July 18, 2018 at age 91. Photos: RECENT and 1945 and 1991.
Frederick Paul.
Robert Bruce Pearson, ET, (59-62), passed away in Minnesota on July 17, 2000 at age 60.
Joseph Petak.
Douglas 'Pete' Peterson, CE1, 1/71 to 2/74, passed away February 17, 2003, at Gulfport, MS. Doug: THEN. Wife Marilyn's email: PetersonDaM@aol.com
Robert M. Petty USN(Ret), CDR, (1960 - 1962), passed away May 1989 at age 78 in Bradenton FL, and is buried in Arlington Cemetery. CDR Petty was the Commanding Officer of NRF/NCS Londonderry during his tour. His son Bob's e-mail: bpetty1@tampabay.rr.com

Helga Phifer, wife of Ronnie (Ron) Phifer, CWO2, 76 to 77, passed away December 28, 2012 from cancer.
Raymond 'Ray' Philson, Civilian, Cook - Clooney/Dungiven, 64 - 77, passed away December 16, 2016 in Derry. 
Thomas Porter, PN, (10/61 to 12/64), Died August 31, 2003. Wife Monica's email: Ser810@eastern.dss.state.va.us Tom: THEN  and: 2001.
Carl Preuss, USN
Helen (Mullin) Pryor, Derry Bride of Peter Pryor, RM, 62 to 65, died 1/04/04.
Peter Pryor, RM, 62 - 65, passed away March 30, 2011 in Chicago, IL.
Photos: Pete and Helen's Wedding Party and Pete and daughter Dawn 2003Obituary.
Hugh 'Pye' Quigley, Civilian, (50 to 77), Died December 2002.
Patricia Ramsden, wife of George Ramsden, RM, 57 to 60, passed away October 2, 2012
Larry D. Reed, SM, (69-73), Died December 1999.
Neil Reese
, SK, (4/60 to 5/63), Died: 4/5/2002. Neil's obituary: Obit.
Jim Reeves, RM, (early 60's), Died: 1966.
Edward Joseph Reilly USNRF, CM 1/c, (NOK-mother, Margaret Reilly, 204 Emerson Street, South Boston, Mass; enlisted Boston, Mass, December 1, 1917), died at NAS Lough Foyle, 31 Aug 1918 of respiratory disease.
William 'Bill' Reinhart USN(Ret), CDR, XO, (74-76).
Robert (Bob) L. Reiss, MM 1/c, 4/4/43 - 10/4/44, passed away July 19, 2012 at age 88. Photo: 1943 and Obituary .
William 'Bill' C. Reynolds, RMCM, passed away September 26, 1993 at age 52 in Derry.
Stuart Lee Rice, MM 1/c, 4/4/43 - 10/4/44, passed away August 28, 1988 at age 68. Photo: 1943 and Obituary .
Humber 'Nick' Rispoli, YN, 1/67 to 12/69, passed away February 22, 2003.
Tony Rizzo, RMC, (61-65), Died: 3/15/1999. Tony in 1967: THEN.  Ex-wife Helene Foltis email: iemb4u@bellsouth.net
Sam 'Robbie' Roberson USN(Ret), RM/NC, 67-69, passed away in 2005.
Walter Roberts, RM, (50-53).
Rose (Maguire) Robillard, wife of Francis H. Robillard Jr. USN(Ret), RM, 8/64 to 4/67, passed away June 2, 2013 in PA.
Sarah 'Sadie' (Gallagher) Rogers, former wife of the late Stanley 'Stan' Rogers USN(Ret), RM, 65-67, 71-74, passed away in Derry February 13, 2025.

Stanley 'Stan' Rogers USN(Ret), RM, 65-67, 71-74, passed away April 15, 2021 at age 79. Stan: THEN and LATER.
David 'Rosy' Rosenow, ET (4/70 to 12/72), January 26, 2003.  Memorial site: www.greatoldbaldone.com Daughter Tina: tina@ventur.net
John Rowland, Civilian - Asst Soccer Coach, 1975 - 1977, passed away on November 20, 2020.
John J. Ryan USN(Ret), RM1, 10/72 - 6/76, passed away October 2, 2020 at age 68 in Chelsea OK. Photos-Then and Now
Stanley E. Sampson USN, LT., (64-66), Died in Derry: 8/29/66.
Leo G. Sangiolo USN(Ret), TMCM, (4/43 - 8/44), passed away June 11, 2011 at age 87 in San Diego, CA. Obituary.
Charles (Chuck) Santini, RM, (1975 - 1977), passed away February 21, 2019 at age 63. Photo:'Chuck'  and: Obituary.
Johnny Guy Sartain (late 1950's), Died: 1993.
Monroe Schrader, ET, 5/66 to 5/68, passed away November 18, 2010 in League City TX at age 66 from cancer. Monroe: Then 
and Obituary.
Milton 'Rocky' Schouten, now Michael Andrew Clark USN(Ret), RM1, 7/71 - 1/74, 1/76 - 8/77, passed away October 2, 2023 in Londonderry, NI.
Earlie 'Scotty' Scott, RM, (64 to 68), Died: 4/6/01.
Sophia Doherty Scudder, ex wife of William Scudder, RM, 1965 - 1969, passed away on April 23, 2017.  RIP.
Roy Seddon, Civilian, 75-77, passed away October 6, 2012 at age 77 in Wallingford, England UK. Photo:'Roy'  and US Navy Certificate of Appreciation and Tributes .
Floyd L. Seim, RM2, 71 - 72, passed away unexpectedly on August 22, 2012.   Obituary.
Fred Shaw, Seabee CPO, (54-56), Died: 1964.
Richard L. Shea USN(Ret), RMC, 11/69 - 12/72, passed away on February 26, 2015. He leaves his wife, Margaret, of almost 60 years, his sons Richard, Robert (Jane), Gordon (Janet), and Linda Alley. Also seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
Daniel 'Danny' Sheerin, Civilian - Cook, (1970's), passed away August 24, 2022 in Derry. Photo:'Danny'  and: Obituary.
Peggy (Curran) Shepard, wife of Bob Shepard, SM, 73-75, passed away February 12, 2015.
Stanley Sienko, ChMM/WO1 Machinist, (1942-1945), Passed away September 28, 1994   Photo: 1944.
Jeanne Simpson USN, RM3, 1976, passed away October 1976 when stationed in Derry.

Art Smith, CWO4, (55-57), Died in San Jose, CA.: 2000.
G.F. 'Frank' Smith USN(Ret), RMC, 5/58 - 8/61, passed away peacefully at hospice, 0130 on February 8, 2015. He leaves behind his wife Eva (Barnhill), children, and grandchildren. Cremation and services to be scheduled shortly. Interment at govt cemetery to be at a later date. Frank: 2003.
Joe Smith, CSCM
Lawrence 'Larry' Smith, SH2, EM Club Manager, (67-69), Larry in 1968: THEN.
James Smith, Civilian - Galley, Died: 12/22/72.
Wesley E. Smith USN (Ret), ETC, 2/72 - 2/76, passed away November 2023 at age 76 from cancer. Leaving wife Mary Ann Elliott Smith from Derry and sons Mark and Colin. Milton FL
Luther "Buddy" Smoak, RM/ET, (1958 - 1960), passed away July 22, 2009 in Longview WA from lung cancer. Photo:'Buddy'  and: Obituary.
Ronald Joseph Spadafora USN(Ret), RMCM, 9/59 - 10/60, passed away September 17, 2024. Ron: THEN  and Obituary
George Spaits USN(Ret), RM, 59-62, passed away October 7, 2013 at age 75 in Bethlehem PA. Obituary .
Herbert Paul Spencer, SF 2/c (DV), 2/42 - 5/44, passed away May 28, 2014 at age 90. Herb: THEN and NOW .
Carl W. Stair, ET, (3/53 - 1/56), passed away in Seaford DE on July 29, 2009, at 81 years of age.
Sero Startoni, GM 3/c (PT), 11/43 - 8/44, passed away December 15, 2018 at age 92 in Campbelltown PA. Obituary .
Lowell 'Dave' Sterling, SH, (1969 - 1971), passed away July 23, 2009 in Blountsville AL.
Theresa 'Terri' (Clarke) Sterling, wife of the late Lowell 'Dave' Sterling, SH, (1969 - 1971), passed away February 19, 2019. Obituary .
Alex Stewart, Civilian, Head Groundsman, passed away November 5, 1989 in Derry.
Richard M. Strong, YN3, (70's), passed away March 24, 2004 at age 51 from going into a diabetic coma while driving. Obituary.
Dave Stutler, RM, 60 - 62, passed away December 11, 2014.
Norman 'Chick' Surko, (late 60's), Died: 2/1990. Chick in 1967 THEN  and 1989: THEN.  
C. H. 'Bob' Swain, PN, 69 - 71, passed away September 24, 2019.
Anna Sweeney, former wife of the late Lamont 'Goofy' Leon, RM, 66 - 70, passed away March 17, 2018. Anna: THEN  and Recent
Arthur H. Swift, RM, (1974-1976), passed away July 8, 2008.
Steve Swiggum, RM, 2/72 - 5/74, passed away November 3, 2014 at age 60 from bladder cancer.
Robert 'Bob' Taber USN, EO, 75-76, passed away September 21, 1976 from liver failure at age 19 when stationed in Derry. 
Elizabeth Taylor (Van Kampen), LTJG, (62-64), Died April 18, 1996, in Amarillo, TX of Breast Cancer. Wife of the late Gene Van Kampen
June (Crockett) Taylor, wife of the late Zackery 'Zack' Taylor USN(Ret), RMCS, 71-73 and 74-76. Passed away August 14, 2016 in Derry.
Zackery 'Zack' Taylor, CYN/RM, 71-73 and 74-76, passed away December 8, 2010 in Derry at age 59 from cancer.  Zack: 1975 .
Roderick 'Rod' Tenney, RM, (62-65), Died March 1998. 
Bruce Thomson USN(Ret), LCDR, 6/70 - 7/72, passed away January 18, 2011 in Virginia Beach, VA. 
Bernard Joseph "BJ" Tiernan USN(Ret), RMC, 8/72 - 11/76, passed away June 29, 2022 at Royal Victoria Hospital - Belfast.
May (Burke) Tiernan, wife of the late Bernard Joseph "BJ" Tiernan USN(Ret), RMC, 8/72 - 11/76.
John Francis Tocik, Lt., Chaplain, WWII.
John Toland, Civilian - Painter, 5/61 - 5/77.
Tom Trainor, Civilian, Van/Bus Driver, Died: 1989.
Gary Trim, RM, 1960 - 1962, from Joplin MO, passed away on September 11, 2022 at age 81. Photo:1961  and: Obituary .
Jack W. (John) Trout, B 1/c, 3/42 - 8/44, passed away August 5, 2014 at age 90 in Crane IN. Obituary .
Charles E. "Chaz" Typhair, RM, 57 - 60, passed away July 12, 2020 at age 82 in Star Lake NY. Obituary .
Lavina Typhair, wife of Charlie Typhair [RM (57-60)] for 48 years, passed away June 18, 2010 at age 70 from colon cancer.
Norman 'Doe' Upton USN(Ret), RM, 62-63 and 69-71, passed away at home in Madison WI, March 9, 2012 at age 69.  Photo: Recent  and Obituary.
Eugene (Gene) Van Kampen USN(Ret), RM, (7/52-12/54, 4/62-5/64), Passed away in Durham, NC, April 4, 2007. Gene: 2005.
Julius (Jerry) Vara, RMCS, (69-71), Passed away in Bristol, Florida, in the mid-80's.
Ronnie Vaughn USN(Ret), RM1, 72 - 75, born and raised in Cincinnati OH, husband of Diana. He passed away while asleep on July 3, 2011 in Las Vegas NV, and is missed dearly every day.
William Michael Vetzel USN(Ret), RMC, 64 - 68, passed away Jun 9, 2022 at age 78 in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
Joseph Voll USN(Ret), GMGC, 5/71 - 5/74, passed away April 15, 2020 in a vehicular accident in Cape Coral FL. Photo: Joe in 2000 .
Sue Voll, wife of the late Joseph Voll USN(Ret), GMGC, 5/71 - 5/74, passed away April 15, 2020 in a vehicular accident in Cape Coral FL
Artie 'Jonnie' J. Walker USN(Ret), RM, 63 to 65, passed away in Riverside, California, January 14, 2013 from cancer at age 80.
Pat (Reynolds) Walker, wife of the late Artie 'Jonnie' Walker USN(Ret), RM. 63-65. Passed away at hospital, April 19, 2015 in California. Obituary .
Jim Walls, RM, (61-64), Died: 1999.
William Gene Walters, RM3, 2/68 - 12/69, passed away July 24, 2013 in Derry, at age 68. Grave site: Marker.
Raymond E. Ward USN(Ret), CAPT, 12/57 - 5/60, 9/67 - 4/70, passed away peacefully on May 10, 2017 at age 92. Obituary .
Veronica (Plowman) Wardlow, wife of the late RM2 Ross Wardlow, passed away August 4, 2014 in Derry. Obituary .
Ross Wardlow, RM, 71 - 76, Passed away March 15, 2008 in Derry, at 57 years of age.
Richard Warnes, ETC, (70-72), Died: 6/1/1977.
Dave Washburn USN(Ret), PNCM, 62-65, Died April 9th, 2004 Dave's wife Lily's e-mail:  DAVELILYWASHBURN@aol.com  
Arthur J. 'Art' Waterbury USN(Ret), RMCM, 4/56 - 11/58, passed away May 6, 2017.
Photos: Then and 2003Obituary
Juliette H. Waterbury, wife of Arthur J. Waterbury, RM, USN Ret. (4/56-11/58), Passed away June 14, 2007 of breast cancer. Art and Juliette were married for 51 years. 
William 'Bill' Weaver, RMCM, (75 to 77), Died 11/20/02. Bill's wife Eileen's e-mail:  kingsdesktop@access995.com  Daughter Linda's e-mail: lps1984@alltel.net 
Mary Brandon Webster, former wife of the late Mike Harlan, RM, 69-71, 75-77, passed away November 29, 2011 at age 62. Mary: 1975.
Roger Weimer, RM, 2/64 - 1/67, passed away on December 6, 2021. Obituary Photos: Recent, 1965  and 2001.
James 'Jim' Weiner USNR(Ret), ETC, former husband of the late Cindy Herold USNR(Ret), RM2/LT, 76 - 77, passed away unexpectedly October 18, 2016 at age 69.  Jim:  'Jim'
Louis Edward Westberry USN(Ret), RMCS, 66-67, 75-77, passed away at age 77 on January 6, 2017.   Obituary.
Barney Westphal, RM, 58-63 , Passed away December 15, 2007. 
Barney: RECENT PHOTO, Additional Photos: Ph#1, Ph#2, Ph#3, Ph#4, Ph#5, Ph#6, Ph#7, Ph#8, Ph#9,   TRIBUTE TO BARNEY.
Margaret Westphal, wife of the late Barney Westphal, RM, 58-63, passed away quietly at home, February 17, 2021 at age 72.  Photo: Recent  and Obituary.
Edward 'Ed' White, Seabee UT (65-67), Died May 10, 2004, Ed's wife Margie's email: irishgal37@aol.com
George White, Seabee, (50-52), Died: 1999.
John Wiedman, SK, (1942 - 1945), passed away December 21, 2003 at the VA Hospital in Miami FL.
Dorothy (Heaney) Williams, wife of Trenton 'Willie' Williams, RM (62 - 63), passed away peacefully at home May 8, 2014, from cancer.
Gary Williams, RM, (59-61), Died: 1993.
James Williams, (42-45), Died: 1996.
Nancy "Big Nancy" Doherty Williams, ex-wife of Ken Williams (RM, 57-60), Died 12/24/03, in Derry.
Richard 'RC' Williams, RM, 61 to 64, passed away from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease June 28, 2013 in Brigantine NJ.  Photos:1963   and: Rich & Kitty - 2011   and: Rich   and: Obituary.
Lester 'Les' Wilson, SK, (64 to 66), Died: 3/2/2002.
Josephine 'Josie' (Hamilton) With, wife of the late Julian F. With, RM, 68 to 69, passed away March 30, 2013. Photo:'Josie'  and: Obituary.
Julian F. With, RM, 1968 to 1969, married to the former Josie Hamilton, passed away in Albany NY, December 29, 1989 at age 41 from the effects of cancer.
Jack L. Wittey, RM, 1960 to 1962, passed away May 30, 1996 at age 56.
Verner H. Wolf USN(Ret), MM 1/c - DSCM, USNOB Div 5, 1941 to 1944, passed away October 1975 at age 52. Grave site: Marker.

Joseph 'Pat' Yerashunas USN(Ret), SWCS, 50 - 52, passed away May 20, 2013 at age 86. Pat: THEN and NOW .
Jim Yoder USN(Ret), PNC, 63 - 64, passed away March 1, 2023 at age 93. Jim:2001

Curtis Joseph "Casey" Zane, CAPT USN(Ret), 1965 - 1967, passed away October 17, 2009. Capt Zane was the CO of NCS Londonderry during his tour. Obituary.
Capt Zane: 2009

Ronald Zell USN(Ret), RM, 58-62, 64-65, passed away November 17, 2019 at age 78.

For some sense of what it was like to be a sailor in the U.S. Navy, click on: Sailor

U.S. NAVCOMMSTA Londonderry Alumni Association
P.O. Box 108
 New Boston, MI 48164-0108